Hi again, here is the latest update will will take us to the present day.
Firstly we would both like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has taken the time and effort to read the blogs we have done and also for the great messages we get, we really like to read them and it gives us something to talk about over dinner etc. I would really like to be able to respond to everyone but internet time is not as cheap as you would think or like.
We are now on a small island called Koh Lanta, the island has just one road which runs down the coast, we are staying in a quite resort in a beautiful hotel called Lanta Sea Front, you properly guessed but it is on the sea front. It only has 20 rooms all air con with TV and fridge. I think only about 4 rooms are taken and so far we have had the pool to ourselves everyday which is great fun. We are now staying here to 22/03/09 then we head to a smaller island called Koh Lipe which has no roads and no cars, bikes etc. That should be fun!!! After that it's on to Malaysia which is only 1 hour away from Lipe by boat.
I thought as we have been away over a month I would tell you what we do when we our having beach/pool days (these are very often). We get up about 7.30 to be the first for breakfast, and then it's off to 7/11 a shop like the spar to get stuff for lunch, normally Danish pastries crisps and such. Back to the hotel for suntan lotion then aim to be at the pool for 9.00am. (This means you get the best spot). After lunch at 12 noon we have a couple of hours inside and back to the pool for 2pm till 5pm, then get ready for dinner to make sure we are all tucked up in bed by 9pm.
If anyone has any questions about what it's like, what we do, how we do washing send us a message on here and we can answer it for you.
Love and hugs etc to all, till next time fun seekers xxxx
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