Well buoyed up by a smashing time at Port Stephens we made our way up the road a few Km to another port, this time Port Macquarie.
Our campsite was situated on the side of a road just like Tritton Road in Lincoln, it even had lots of car dealerships and some exhaust workshops, hardly the most stunning scenery! There wasn't much to do here but there was a Koala Hospital so we went for a look.
The hospital was situated next to an old house in massive grounds, so we had a look round the gardens and tried to see in the house but as there was a charge and we didn't really want to pay so had to make do with that. Besides the main reason for driving out was to see the hospital. All the Koala's here are blind, poorly, deaf etc or just old! They all looked totally adorable sleeping in their hospital trees. They have all been named by the staff and there was even a little koala cemetery at the site. It was both heart warming and breaking at the same time. We learnt lots of interesting facts about the Koala from the many information boards dotted round the hospital grounds. Many of them here will no never be able to live in the wild but it was good to seem them so contented and happy. Even though Koalas are nocturnal animals who sleep for something like 20 hours a day and eat for the rest of the time, we did see a couple that were munching away.
Now we had seen the koala all we wanted was to be able to stroke one and we had our fingers and toes crossed that this would happen further up the coast.
There isn't really much more we can tell you about Port Macquarie as we have covered the highlights, obviously they had a Coles and Woolworths, both national supermarket chains. So it was onwards again, up the coast road to our next destination which was Coffs Harbour and the home of Australia's famous big banana.
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