Andy is getting electric shocks from the camera and is getting freaked out by it.... (weirdo!!!)
Well, we´ve had a really cool and slightly scary 24hrs! Remember we told you that it was Micheal´s (the hotel owner) birthday yesterday? Well we unsuspectingly got ourselves invited to his birthday dinner! Clara, his wife, had cooked a meal for about 20 of their Spanish relatives, and we were ushered in to join them - we didn´t really know what we were doin as we had already had our tea and were slighty pissed after drinking a jug of Sangria, but we couldn´t very well say no! So we found ourselves consuming a second dinner amongst a host of Spanish speaking locals!
We were sat giggling away to ourselves having no clue as to what was going on or just how much food we´d have to shove to shovel in to our already bloated bellies whilst trying to politely stop Clara pouring us glasses of some ´fruit juice´- which was actually some weird fruit blended up which had no flavour but the consistancy of snot! Sophie had particular difficulty stifling her giggles when Andy got pounced on by a group of older ladies that took rather a shine to him and insisted that he had something to drink - namely the snot juice! Thankfully Micheal came to the rescue and offered him a beer! Andy then had fun struggling with the dilemma of needing the loo and the possibilty that he might be dragged on to the temporary dance floor in the lounge by one of his admirers on his way there! haha!
The best part was that this whole charade was set to the theme tune of Phoenix Nights!!! There was a guy playing a Casio keyboard in the corner on the `organ´setting all night!
It was highly amusing, but really wonderful at the same time - they don´t even really know us and yet we were treated like family. They also didn´t charge us for the meal and gave us half a days stay for free! That´s hospitality! Particularly when we spent only 40 quid there for 3 nights stay, 2 evening meals, 2 breakfasts, 1 lunch and a personally guided tour of the pyramids! AMAZING!
We also met a lady called Cindy, a fellow traveller from Colorado. She was really nice and we had a good long chat about... well life in general really!
Today we have been to Huanchaco - the beach atlast! It was ace to get some sea air and finally escape the city. We managed to survive the bus journey there - which isn´t really a bus journey, it´s a game of "how fast can you go with 20 people squeezed into a Bedford Rascal van?!" - mad and lots of fun once you get over the initial shock of it - although Andy now has no knee caps and a very sore head! (speed bumps aint amusing!)
Anyway, we ate LOADS of seafood, walked up and down the beach a bit and marvelled at the surfers and fishermen out on the waves. It would have been nice to stay here for a few days but alas, we booked our ticket to Huarez for 9pm tonight - we leave in a couple of hours. Should be fun there tho, and the trip should be interesting - our first night trip! The pics on the t´internet of Huarez look amazing - hopefully we´ll do lots of hiking and mountain biking!
Anyway, must go and get showered and packed for our overnight expedition!
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