We are knackered! But we made it back in time to wish Stephen and Chris a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! No longer teenagers eh?! What is the world comin to?! - we would tell you to have a pint or two for us, but we don´t think you need any encouragement! (drunkards) Hope you are both havin a great day cos we certainly did!
Have been trekking up bloody great mountains again! Up at 6.30am to catch a 3 1/2 hour bus/car journey to the start of a climb that exceeded 1000 meters! CRAZY! Today we were at 4500m above sea level - and didn´t we just know it! Very hard work climbing up mountains and not bein able to breathe properly! It was well worth it tho. The scenery was spectacular - bright turquiose lakes, snow capped mountains, glaciers and the odd avalanche! AMAZING!
Met some fellow brits too - a couple of surfer dudes from Devon who are travelling around the world catching the best surf the lanet has to offer. Today they decided to come inland for the first time - they were really nice, very chatty. They also, thankfully brought along with them an English speaking guide, who was fantastic! Our spanish speaking guide didn´t talk throughout the whole trip - bloody waste of space. Thus, we are goin to track down our friendly guide William and see if he might take us on some more tours - his company offers ice climbing! EEK! Thay also scale Huscarian - the mountain we were trekking around today - it´s bloody huge - the highest tropical mountain in the world!
Did we mention that we are knackered?! Ok, we think you get the point, so we are gpoin back to the hostel to get dry (yup it´s raining again!) and get some grub cos WE ARE KNACKERED!
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