Hello, well the bus journey turned out to be only 19hrs thankfully - which sounds alot, but aint that bad! (Compared to the possibility of 28hrs!)
So, we are in Puerto Madryn, and our sole reason for being here is to watch whales! Which we will hopefully be doing tomorow. We are staying at a cosy little hostel run by a woman called Gladys, who could talk the hind legs off a donkey, but is very lovely and very helpful. There aint much to do here, other than see the whales, so we watched the grand prix yesterday - Lewis Hamilton is amazing isn`t he?! and today we have eaten some great seafood paella, which we are praying won?t make us ill! We are gonna scour the tour offices today in hope of finding a good whale watching deal for tomorrow, then go to bed we think - both feeling a little under the weather - probably cos of all these long bus journeys and the air conditioned environs.
Buenos Aires was a very busy city, however, we are goin back for a second taste - and some tango lessons!! Purely cos there were some great shopping deals! We will probably be back there in about a month, cos we are gonna do a loop back inland to the lake district, then to Las le?on the 23rd June, where we have booked an 8 day skiing holiday!!!! WOOHOO! Then we might explore the north abit and see if we can catch a polo match, then back to BA.
So, we have LOTS planned over the next month or so, then we only have a month left and we?ve got so much to fill it with! Crazy.
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