Fifth country and counting! After a GRUELLING boarder crossing (it took TWO AND A HALF HOURS!!!!) we have arrived in Mendoza!
The scenary coming across the boarder was pretty spectacular - snow capped mountains etc. but my god, nearly 3hrs sat on a stationary bus is boring.
We have settled in a nice hotel solely picked due to its gym and pool facilities! (we feel fat!) Thus, we have spent the last hour in the gym (andrew) and the pool (sophie) and so we feel much better about the world now! Particularly as there are lots of nice restaurants and great wine everywhere (well we are in wine country) there is also an ice cream parlour which we have taken a fancy to, so we need the gym more than ever (we've indulged twice and we've only been here 2 days!!!).
We watched abit of tele before which was most entertaining - it was a dog agility competition and not one, BUT TWO dogs fell off the balancing beam thingy! Bloody hilarious! (particularly as one was a mental miniture poodle!) Thought you would like to know that.
That's about it really - Mouse kisses for everyone!!!!!
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