The morning after we arrived in Phu Quoc the sun was out so after all the travelling we'd done we gave ourselves a well earned day on the beach.
The following day we rented mopeds and went off to explore the island. We didn't really have a very good map so about 30 minutes in we were on a dirt track going nowhere. We must have looked lost as a little boy of about 8 came up to us and asked us where we were going and then proceeded to show us the way, us on our mopeds and him on his push bike!
Once we were back on track we made our way through some villages and came to the most rickety wooden bridge ever, I really wished I'd filmed it but at the time I just wanted to survive it! As you went over it each plank lifted up and it felt like it could collapse at any minute. Once we'd navigated this we then rode for what seemed like forever on a really muddy, slippy wet dirt track where the bikes were all over the place.
Eventually we made it to proper roads and then it literally chucked it down, there's no other word for it other than torrential so we sheltered for about an hour and then headed back to town .... in the rain .... about a 45 minute drive away, we were like drowned rats!
The next day we went on a snorkeling trip, when we arrived at the beach it was absolutely heaving down, they loaded us all into a longtail boat and then it got stuck on the bottom, then it was thundering, we were all thinking what the hell were we doing! Once on board it didn't get much better, we fished for about half an hour, we didn't catch anything and we'd all finished but Casson through his line out one last time, next thing all I can hear is "Groves! I've got one" I turn round and he has the biggest grin on his face and the smallest fish on his line (but he was the only one who caught one).
The rain didn't let up all day, we went snorkeling but couldn't see a thing, then we had lunch but it started raining in on us towards the end and then the 2nd snorkeling stop was abandoned due to how bad the weather was.
That pretty much sums up the weather in Phu Quoc, it rained none stop for the entire time we were there which is such a shame as it was Kellie and Barry's last 5 days.
As there was nothing else to do on the last afternoon we decided to have a few beers which led to an afternoon session and we had such a laugh. We ended up in the night market later that evening for food and for some reason even though we'd all had a few Barry had clearly had a few more. A few times on their holiday we'd done the chili challenge were we each ate raw chili's. Barry had never been good at this game as he doesn't like really spicy food but for some reason he thought he'd join in, popped a chilli in his mouth and then choked, spluttered, eyes streaming and then threw it back up, for him it was hell, for us it was comedy gold!
As we were walking back to our bungalow I spotted a traditional Vietnamese hat on the floor, Barry had been saying he wanted one of them all holiday so I picked it up and put it on his head and he was made up with it. I thought I'd done a nice thing, Casson thought it was the end of the world. He was devastated I hadn't given it to him and still goes on about it now (a month later)
General points
1) We planned to detox after Kellie and Barry left, i can confirm a month after they left this has yet to happen
2) A massive thank you to Kellie who donated some of her clothes to me when she left as I had about 2 outfits to my name
3) it was an amazing 3 weeks that went far to quickly
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