Hey everyone and welcome to my final blog in NZ :( I can't believe we're moving onto Oz already, it's crazy how fast the past few weeks have gone by! Our last few days in NZ have been absolutely awesome. After we left Queenstown we had a long journey to Christchurch where we stayed one night before heading up to Kaikoura on our final trip with the big green bus :( It was really sad saying goodbye to everyone off the bus but its amazing how many people you say your farewells to and then bump into randomly the following night! We arrived in Kaikoura around lunch time expecting sunshine but the weather was pretty disappointing so we spent the day mooching around in the rain and moaning about how cold it was haha. Me and ellie had booked ourselves on a whale watching tour but unfortunately all tours were cancelled becasue of the weather which was a shame. The next morning we were up at 4.45 am (!!!) to go swimming with dolphins which was AMAZING!we were so lucky to be able to go because when we booked it we were warned that because of the weather it was likely to be cancelled. I can't even describe how amazing it was!There were literally hundreds of dolphins (approx 500!) surrounding the boat and to actually swim with them was fantastic, fab experience!...except for the sea sickness lol! We got back to the hostel around 10ish and went straight back to bed! In the afternoon we headed off on a wine wasting tour which was really cool...a perfect way to spend a rainy day!
The following morning the sun was out (just our luck!) and we headed back to Christchurch. The city was buzzing when we got back and we spent the day checking out the markets and headed over to the Botanic gardens where we relaxed in the sun.It's amazing how different places in NZ can be at the weekends!
Yesterday was our last full day so we made the most of it! We hired bikes in the morning and cycled all around the parks which was really fun and then in the afternoon we went to Brighton!!...well actually its called New Brighton but never mind eh? It was pretty quiet...definately not as fun as the Brighton we all know and love but still pretty cool! We bought some 'fush n chups' and sat by the pier attempting to fight off the seagulls lol! Last night was pretty cool because some of the guys off our bus are staying in the penthouse in the hostel so we headed up there for a BBQ and a few drinks...although we weren't informed of the fancy dress haha. Really good night to end our NZ adventures :)
And so that brings me to today. Just waiting around now for the airport shuttle to pick us up. Next stop...Melbourne yay! Take care everyone xxx
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