Hey everyone! Oh my god I have so much to tell you :) I am now in Taupo and have finally had a chance to upload some photos! Right where do I start...
From Auckland we travelled south to Mercury Bay on the Kiwi Experience bus with new people and a new driver. A lot of the day was spent on the bus but we met a lot of cool people. On our way out of Auckland we drove to the top of Mount Eden, the highest natural point in Auckland to look over the city. The views were pretty awesome and the sun was out (finally!) so we were all in good spirts :) On our way to Mercuy bay we stopped off at Hot water beach where you can hire spades and dig hot water pools...although because of the tide we had to make do with sticking our feet into the sand as far as we could to feel the water. We stayed overnight here at a reallty cute hostel called Turtle Cove where they cooked up a huge spag bol dinner yum yum...not as good as yours though Mum it has to be said!
The next day we headed to Rotorua. On the way we stopped off at Whangamat beach for a paddle in the sea and then onto a native bush clad gorge where we took a walk along the tracks along which they used to mine for Gold. The views were absoultely stunning...although the walk turned quite interested when we had to walk through long pitch black tunnels with only our camera flashes to light our way - i think i took about 50 photos of the tunnel floor haha. Rotorua is a fascinating place, built in the crater of a volcano and often called sulphur city because of its high geothermal activity which makes the whole city smell of egg...apparently you get used to it but I didn't lol! The hostel here was really cool with a swimming pool which was a nice surprise! That evening we went for a Mauri cultural experience which was absolutely fantastic. we got to visit a recreation of a traditional Mauri village and then they held a concert with music and dancing. The night finished with a meal traditionally prepared in the ground on hot rocks which was absolutely delicious! We headed back to the hostel and for a few drinks in the bar next door and me and Reena did a Sumo haha! it was absolutely hilarious but she beat me to the ground!!!I blame it on the fact i litertally could not stop laughing at the sight of her in a sumo suit!She is a lot stronger than she looks haha. So much fun though and we got a free drink...added bonus :)
The next day we spent exploring Rotorua and visited the hot sulphur pools (SO smelly!) and bubbling mud pools. The steam rising from the pools was absolutely amazing! It's crazy because as you're walking along the road you can just see steam rising from the drains and we were advised not to do anywashing because your clothes just smell of egg...mmm yummy hehe! We headed back to the hostel for a dip in the pool and a chilled evening.
The next day we boarded a new bus to Waitomo with a new driver called Man-G (absolute legend!) and lots of cool new people. On the way we stopped off at Te Puia which is the bext known thernal area with geysers, mud pools, a Kiwi bird house and live Mauri arts centre with weaving and carving schools. Just before we got to Waitomo our driver stopped off at a rabbit shearing centre...very random! I have NEVER seen rabbits of this size before, they were absolutely huge...check out the pictures!We arrived at Waitomo and the hostel was amazing!!!we were lucky enough to get a chalet between the four of us which was almost like a little house with an upstairs and downstairs and e-suite bathroom...and no bunk beds woo hoo! That night our driver organised a toga party and barbeque for us which was loads of fun and a great chance to chill out with people on the bus.
And so we arrive at Januray 28th 2008...the most amazing day of my life so far!!!In the morning we were up early to go black water rafting which is when you have a black tube rubber ring and you basically swim and tube through the caves, jump off waterfalls and chill out with glow worms...pretty standard for a Tuesday morning haha.It was great fun despite the water was abosulutely freezing!Absolutely fantastic experience!The bus then picked us up and we headed onto Taipo where we head to the SKYDIVE CENTRE!!!OH MY GOD I JUMPED OUT OF A PLANE!I still can't believe I did it but I have the dvd footage to prove it so I'll show you all when i get's absoultely hilarious...i look terrified!actually I was haha! The most embarrassing thing though is the start of the dvd when we're getting all kitted out and the camera zooms in on me with my hat on back to front looking all confused...what a blonde eh?Best thing i have ever done though, i would do it again tomorrow if I could afford it! In the evening we headed down to a local bar for unlimited monkey nuts and a good hearty meal and glass of wine (which for the record is delicious here hehe!).
And that brings me to today woo hoo! This morning we were up at 5.00 am (yes you read correctly!) to do the Tongairiro Crossing which is an 18km walk rated in the top ten one day walks in the world. It took about 6 and a half hours and i don't think i have ever been pushed so much physically in my life. About an hour in you have to climb a mountain (literally!) and its been named the Devil's Staircase...and i now know why!!The views along the way though were absolutely breathtaking and i'm so proud that i completed it...grrr I'm well ard haha. I have a feeling we're going to ache tomorrow though!
Right that's me all blogged out for now. Tomorrow we're heading to River Valley and then onto Wellington which completes our travels of the north Island. I'm having such a fantastic time woo hoo! Take care everyone and speak soon xxx
p.s. forgot to tell you all...guess who we met at the top of the mountain today...Barry and Rob, my friends from Uni, again! I couldn't believe it when i saw them trudging down the pathway!haha crazy stuff!xxx
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