Sorry for the long delay, there hasn't been much internet access and we've been so busy!
On Sunday 13th we left our hotel in Nairobi and joined up with the tour. We got to meet our fellow travellers and saw the truck for the first time. It's massive and is apparently the "posh" one! There are 10 of us in total - we are the only Brits, the others being Derry, an Irish guy; Gila, a German teacher; Teresa and Scott from California; Jim from the USA; Tracey from New Zealand; Werner from Austria; and Melissa from Canada.
The staff are really good and very friendly - we have a Kenyan cook who makes great food, a South African driver, and an Aussie tour leader. We are expected to muck in and have chores to do like washing up, food prep and cleaning the truck - that's the only downside of the trip!
Our first stop was in Nakuru, north of Nairobi, and we stayed at a campsite there called Kembu camp, which had a really nice bar area with an open fire, although the toilet facilities consisted of a long-drop which wasn't too pleasant! It also poured with rain which wasn't much fun in tents, and gave us a surprising start to the trip! The owner's young son took us on a chameleon spotting walk in the evening which was good fun. We spent two nights here, and visited Nakuru National Park and did a game drive which was great - we got to see loads of wildlife.
On Tuesday 15th we left Kembu camp and drove to Lake Victoria, and stayed at a campsite called Tembu beach. It was right on the shores of the lake, although we didn't get to swim as there was Belharzia in the water! After the rain of the previous couple of days, we upgraded for about 7 pounds to a beach hut which was nice.
On Wednesday 16th we left the campsite and drove to the Serengeti! We had an afternoon game drive there which was VERY bumpy and then camped in a "wild camp" which was exciting! We lit a nice big campfire and had toasted marshmallows.
The next morning we did a morning game drive which meant a very early start (5am!). We saw absolutely tonnes of wildlife including elephants, lions, rhinos, hippos, giraffes, gazelles, impala, warthogs etc etc!
Thursday evening we arrived at Kudu Camp which was nice and had good facilities, and a really lovely bar area. In the evening we did our usual chores and had dinner, then an early night as we were up at the crack of dawn the next day to visit the Ngorongoro crater.
On Friday 18th we were picked up bright and early to go to the crater by a very tired driver! We got to see a cheetah kill which Simon managed to film on his new camcorder which was really cool, and again there was loads of wildlife to see.
I have to go now but will finish this when I next get to a computer - we're off to Zanzibar in a couple of hours and have a break from chores!
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