We've added a few blog entries at once so hopefully this will work and make sense! :-)
On Tuesday 29th we had a really rubbish breakfast at the Fawlty Towers hotel - we turned up to find hard boiled eggs, some bread, and some sad looking fruit. We were told we could request eggs cooked to our liking, but when I ordered fried eggs, the waiter looked at me, then said "you have omelette?". I said no, but then they promptly brought me an omelette anyway. The waiter then left and didn't come back! Luckily Will the driver brought in supplies from the truck which we just set up in the hotel, which they didn't seem to care about! We then drove to a tea plantation nearby, which was cool, and got to buy some local tealeaves. We're yet to try them but looking forward to it! We then drove to the border where we crossed into Malawi, however our Austrian friend was refused entry and told to go back to Dar es Salaam to get a visa, as Austria wasn't on the list of accepted countries! Luckily they managed to get him a couple of days to go to a nearby town and get the visa, which he managed to do, but we were all surpised that being Austrian would cause so much fuss! We arrived at our first campsite in Malawi that evening.
The next day we travelled to Kande beach and stopped off at a rubber plantation, and got to see how they tap the rubber sap out of the tree. Simon bought a rubber ball from some local kids, which was good fun throwing around the truck!
We also stopped off at a carving shop where they sell the Malawi chairs which are beautifully carved; Amy would have loved to get one but seeing as she doesn't even have a flat it might be a bit of a random purchase! In the evening we had a group meal and sat on the beach and played frisbee with a few drinks which was really relaxing.
Today we're just chilling out on the beach, but there's horseriding (Amy!), scuba diving (Simon!), and a village walk to do which should be fun. We're not really swimming in the lake as there might be belharzia in it which is a bug which years later can cause internal injury! Nice!
Anyways, better run, but hope everyone is well at home and that you're enjoying the blog - sorry it's always a bit rushed!
Love Amy and Simon x
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