Glad you are enjoying Hong Kong and it is so nice for you to meet up with Jay and Vicky - hope they are able to show you around. The skyline resembles New York, but a bit more cramped!
Hope you are able to bag some bargains, notwithstanding diminishing funds.
Your afternoon tea looked really delicious.
Enjoy the rest of your time and looking forward to seeing you both. Have a safe journey home.
lots of love,
Mum/Sue xxxxxxxxxxx
hi you two ,great blog, so looking forward to seeing you both, but not just yet eh?.enjoy your last few days.tol.
Maggie And Clive Mcclory
Hi Amy and Simon. Just to say hello from Milton Keynes. You have certainly packed a lot in and it looks all very exciting and we are quite envious - Clive particularly so, in view of this 'brass monkey' summer we are having! Not sure where you are heading now but good luck and enjoy every minute. Maggie and Clive
Parr and Reynolds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You gangsters! What are you guys doing!!Why can I not be there instead of you guys!!I AM SO JEAQLOUS!
anyways to the serious glad you guys are enjoying yourselevs.Apologise i havent conatcted you guys prev but been so busy.
I work in London @oxford circus-ALexander samuel solicitors-a PI-law firm.Man you guys are soooo coool.we need to get together or tell me where you are and i can mind control myself to your location!LOL!
Hey guys i miss you 2 havent seen you guys for a LONG time.Call me or email me..
Just caught up on your latest photos - in my stupidity I had not realised that there were further photos on a slideshow - how stupid is that? I caught up yesterday with all of the other ones and also showed them to Nan Coldwell, who thought the rats were horrible and was impressed with the tigers. It was sue o's mention of cats that made me realise I was missiing something! Amy looked a little tentative when stroking the tigers, it reminded me of when I was told I could stroke the crocodiles in the Gambia and I was more than a little apprehensive which shows in the photo. I did ask if the croc was likely to bite me and Bubba assured me it wouldn't, as crocodiles are vegetarian. The thing is, I believed him! How gullible is that? What a wonderful experience for you both, and you retained your limbs for a bit of smart cooking - very impressed and looking forward to some Thai food when you come back.
The hotel looks really lovely, you certainly came up trumps there. You are both looking well in the photos so the r and r is obviously doing you good, after your travails in India.
What a hoot the pictures were of cabbages and condoms - didnt see much evidence of cabbages though! I didn't realise you could do so many things with them ........... but then I am the person that thinks crocodiles won't bit you because they are vegetarian. It was really lovely to see the pictures of Tara, and it looks as though you had a great time.
sue/mum xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sue O
Just caught up with your travels. Loved the pictures of the cats. Have never thought about India much - having read your descriptions intend to think about it even less. I can definitely live without the curries and rats.
Sounds like you are having a very interesting time and will have lots of memories to bring back.
Sue and me had a really great holiday, the villa was in a fantastic location with beautiful views over the sea and the mountains to the other side. Whole holiday was really relaxing which was what we both wanted just trying to adjust back to having to go to work now.
Look after yourselves. Luv Sue
Only just managed to catch up on your blog due to being away in Spain. I seems that you are 'all curried out' - just to make you salivate I returned on Sat and had a lovely roast beef and yorkshire pud meal with Sid and Vera!
Now Amy, you think India is a bit rough on their take on women, but just be careful in China - I have been reading 'Spring Flower and the Secret Fan', which is absolutely fascinating, but beware of your feet - if anyone comes towards your feet brandishing bandages soaked in urine, run for your life, as you most certainly won't be running anywhere afterwards!
The postcards were much appreciated by the nans, Vera wanted to know if people really dress like that in India, I think she thought he was just posing but did see a resemblance to Sid in there somewhere, and Nan Coldwell howled with laughter again - she really finds the postcards amusing.
By the way, Ryan did not go to India at all - Vera got it wrong - he actually went to Italy! Oh well, she got the first letter right!
I will ask V to make you some 'rat pies' for your return to remind you of your travels accompanied by curry sauce, eh?
Glad you are enjoying your experiences, take care and I will email you this week, as in work at the moment (first day back, and most staff on leave so ..........)
sue/mum xxxxxxxxxxxxx
John Parr
Well i must admit I am a little disappointed at your lack of British stiff Upper lip, I now realise that my efforts to bring you down to earth were all i n vain. I did my best to prepare you for life in the third world (visits to mablethorpe etc). I even tried to harden you against lifes iniquities (holidays in a caravan in Norfolk). I did my best to prepare you for meeting scary strangers (my family) I would have thought india was a walk in the park compared to this. :-) Glad to see you are living life to the full. love u lots.... Dad
Mum And Nige
Hi travellers, we are sensing you may have had enough of india!!!
Amy's love of curry has been tested to the full. perhaps the rats would make a tasty meal!!
Glad to hear bangkok is looking ok. lets hope thai food dosen't send you running.
We will have plenty of cake and sandwiches ready for you when you get back. safe journey on the next leg of your travels. xxxxxx
Hi Si and Amy,
Just viewed your photos of Pushkar - shame the birds droppings got you on the forehead! Seriously, the hand drawings looked really intricate - assume they wash off .................
I have just found out that Ryan is in India travelling around in a camper van I believe with Vicky his new girlfriend and her son. I will try to email or text you when I find out where they are - highly unlikely that your paths will cross but you never know - it may be worth texting him.
As you know I am off with Sue tomorrow to Spain - just hope my parcel has reached you but if there are any probs. I am still contactable on my mobile and have left the paperwork at home in case of query.
I hope the 'delhi belly' has cleared up and you are continuing to enjoy your experiences.
Love you
Mum xxxxxxxxxxxx
Shirley Seabeck
Hi Simon and Amy
Firstly, many, many congratulations on passing your Exams - well done!!
It seems that you are having a wonderful time on your travels and have already seen so much and now you are in India. Makes me feel very nostalgic - as you may or may not know - I was born in India - my Dad was in the Army and I spent my childhood and growing up years travelling around - but we didn't get to Delhi or Agra and so I didn't get to see the beautiful Taj Mahal.
Things are fine here. Weatherwise we have had some very hot days and nights and then some very wet ones too (but what's new). At the moment we are all caught up with the Olympics and spend all our waking time watching the television and cheering on our British Athletes. Don and I stayed up until 3.45 one morning watching the marathon - mad or what?
Your Mum is doing okay - but I know she misses you Simon. I have been in the Office quite a lot recently and it's good to spend time with her. I never cease to amaze her with my funny and quirky stories but it's nice to see her smile.
This was meant to be a short note - but it's turning out to be an epistle so I'd better stop now. Take care, continue to enjoy your travels and have lots of happy times - but don't forget your way home.
Love Shirley xx
Just been having a look at your blog, yeah and like everybody else has already said, looks like you're having a brill time, only problem is everything will seem so boring once you return to England. But hey lets not think of that yet, you just enjoy the experience. Congratulations on passing your exams, well done!! Bit late I know but, hope you had a good birthday too.