Hello everyone, well what have I been up to.....
It's peeing it down here again today :-( had a great sunny day to visit Palm beach yesterday though! (home & away is filmed there) Just been walking, window shopping, going to the beach on the odd days its sunny. Met up with Guy Perring who I met via gapyear the other day, me and Danni Lynch went to Coogee to meet him. just sunbathed, then grabbed some lunch, as there was some massive christmas concert on the grass area, there were so many people there, it was mad. Hearing Christmas carols being sung was very surreal, if I didn't know what month it was, I would have no idea it was Christmas! it's so odd. Does not feel like it at all. I went down to reception yesterday to check for post, I had a nice little package, stuffed with cards from my family which was a lovely surprise! got one from my boys reggie and ronnie with their muddy footprints on (jess i can just imagine ronnies face when you were trying to get him to do that! cocking his head to the side!) got one from jess my sister, a family one saying happy new year and a xmas one from mum and dad, their all blutacked up to my wall above my bed. :-D lovely.
My dorm is mostly girls, and they have been praying for some boys. WELL... we had one arrive an irish bloke called Patrick, we never saw him, he came in bladdered, after some time he had pushed my bunk bed away from the wall slightly, got in behind the bed and was peeing all over Jill who slept underneath me!!! She was shouting at him PATRICK YOUR P*SSING ON ME GO TO THE TOILET, then Miriam started screaming at him in Norweigan, because it was dripping on her backpack with all her clothes in it!! he then started shouting at Jill "shut up shut up you f*cking b*tch" he woke up and ran out, we called security and everyone was running round searching for him, security eventually found him in a fire escape! well that was a mad night, then I had to ring me nan and tell her! lol I said see, you don't want boys in here!!
Yesterday was brilliant, went to Palm beach for the day, found the bus from central, cost 5 dollars 80 and took 1 hour and 40mins to get to! It was worth it though, the bus drove over the harbour bridge, and for the first time I was in absolute awe, I was practically window licking trying to look up as we drove over it, with the water underneath you, the opera house to your right, and all the high rise buildings to the left, it was fantastic. Saw so many gorgeous beaches, so may take a trip on that bus again when it's hot and just hop off at a beach I fancy. When we got to palm beach we looked at it and thought hmmm where's home & awayyy??!! we had to walk the whole length of the beach, which was hardcore on your leg muscles! the sand was so soft. eventually I saw the flags blowing in the wind by the diner and I said THERE IT IS!!! we took a few photos (their on summer break at the moment, so did'nt see any of the hot actors sad to say!!) I'd like to see Jack's dad Tony! haha got a thing for him. The beach was lovely, it was very windy, there were loads of windsurfers. I had a strawberry milkshake from the bayside diner kiosk, it was massive, and really nice, not bad for $3.50! The waves were quite big and the current is really dangerous, you have to swim in between the flags or you get carried away and the lifeguards shout at you and blow their whistles.
When I arrived back at the hostel, the were 2 blokes asleep, I did a mental "yessss!" to myself haha. went and showered, Hannah cut my hair for me, as it keeps turning to dreads and falling out! lol needed a good cut. Went back in and all the girls are swooning over the new arrivals, they were Dan and Mike from Canada, and they spoke like the turtles from finding nemo like "yyyeaah duuude, totally awweesome!" We ended up getting goon and playing the drinking game ring of fire, which I completely did not get...I'm not goo with cards or games, it goes straight over my head (ask my sister about trying to teach me to play monopoly, she'll tell you to f*ck off lol) I did a whole bottle of wine, and then we went to side bar for a few, then headed to scubar, where I got on the snakebite... safe to say I was hammered. Had my bargain $10 white dress on, Hannah spilt her snakebite all down it lol it turned pink! she felt bad, so she tipped the rest of her drink down her dress because she felt bad!! hahaha, bless her. I washed the dress in the shower earlier, it came out! woo. Yes, I'll just say I got a little friendly with Mike and ended up in various places haha. Yes I know I'm a dirty moo, oh well 3 years of nothing, my time has come in Australia I'm in demand for once! He was a really nice guy. They moved out this morning to a flat.
Christmas and new year...still not booked anything! lol. I'm umming and arring about the oz intro cruise tomorrow. Christmas day Jill has kindly invited me and the girls to her mates flat 5 mins from central, we're all going shopping to get food, going to have a big roast dinner, then get dressed up like ladies and go on a cocktail bar crawl. Might finally meet some Australians! don't meet too many being in a hostel we're all just foreigners. Have no idea what's happening New Years, probably just head down to the harbour to watch the fireworks etc. Danni is going to Bondi beach xmas day along with the whole world and his dog! I am trying to choose between that and the dinner/bar crawl. hmm. I think I might go for the dinner, think I'll be dissapointed with bondi and it's meant to be raining too xmas day!! whoopppiie.
In terms of after oz intro week, I'm thinking about doing a surf camp up to byron bay, then stay in a hostel for a night or two and then book oz experience up the east coast to any of my fellow oz intro-ers are welcome to join me! hehee, although most of you b*****s are heading south now - boo!!
Right I am off to console Hannah in a sec, she's got the hump because I pulled and left her lol Going to try and put my photos on herenow aswell
Miss you all!! and hope you all have a very merry Christmas and new year! xxxxxx
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