Hello all and G'day from Australia! My first Aussie blog.
Thanks to my family for all the messages! trying to upload my fotos at the moment, its so damn slow, i cant work out the quickest way to do it! It's really irritating.
So...I arrived on the 9th December, to boiling hot weather, got the train from Sydney airport to Central station, and my hostel, wake up! was across the street. I found the traffic lights make this weird noise when they tell you to cross and you have literally seconds to get across the road! and cars can turn left on a green light, so I nearly pood myself when a car came at me! I dragged my backpack across the road and checked in. I paid for the month up front, I can't be arsed with all the faffing around, I just wanted it all sorted. I made my way up to the top floor (7th floor) my room is 705. The room was pitch black and everyone was asleep, so I chucked my backpack in the corner and hit the streets for a wander. After an hour or so, I decided to grab a panini and water in the wake up cafe. It was huuuge! noticed another girl who had her welcome pack like me, so I mosied on over to her and we got chatting. She was from ireland. We gave eachother half an hour and said let's find the bus and go to Bondi Beach! So we did, it was gorgeous and hot. It was smaller than I expected, rammed with people and very commercial. I forced myself into the sea, got my pants removed by a huge wave (they are absolutely massssive) and every time the life guards blow their whistles and shout throught the loud speakers I'm panicking and looking round incase there's something in the water!!! lol.
By the time I got back my roomies were awake! There are 2 Norweigian girls, 1 scottish girl called Kirsty, 1 guy called Bernie from ireland, a few other guys which have since moved out, had a new girl arrive from Highbury YESSS DAD! and she aint even a gooner, she's probably a yid! lol. Hannah, a girl from Blackpool is already a good mate. Some of them have been in the same room for a few months! some are already working, and some are desperately looking for flat shares and jobs etc... which seems to be difficult around this time.
The next 3 days or so it was tipping it down and chilly, so couldnt really do much. I found my way to Coogee beach and Manly, which are both a lot nicer than Bondi I think. I met up with Marie my mate from and also Jenna, who has a flat in Manly at the mo. The bar underneath the hostel is called the side bar, had a few messy nights down there already!
It feels weird not to be working, and I still get really tired early afternoon, but trying not to nap and get used to the time! Sydney is absolutely massive, there is so much to see and do, but like everything you need money to do it. The shopping is to say i bought a few things on credit card...mummy just pay it off with the money in one of the ISA's hahaha. I thought I would find it hard in a hostel, but I am quite liking it at the moment, I have a top bunk, I rarely wake up, sleep all the way through. Apart from every room has a speaker, and in the morning and evenings a bloke on the reception desk says WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP, and then tells you whats happening in the side bar/restaurant that night, which can be annoying! But People have said it's a great hostel, I will be in for a shock when I move on in January!! they won't be as nice. Oh well! I def have too many clothes, I will no doubt be binning/sending some home after the new year, once I am proper backpacking, because there is NO WAY I can get that on my back and not fall over.
well I am off to Taronga zoo with jenna and her friends tomorrow, that should be good fun. I'm quite proud of myself really I have'nt been here long at all but I've been on the trains, ferrys and buses, and have managed to find my way round. AM really looking forward to my oz intro buddies coming out in Jan!! and got Danni Lynch arriving at my hostel soon too! woo! Going to book the oz intro 700 people cruise for new years eve i think! that should be a good laugh. Right well my photos are STILL not uploading, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I am off to lay in Hyde park (everywhere here has the same names as places in London) think we're getting on the "goon" tonight (cheap box of wine, they tell the pommes it has fish guts and milk in it) I was really not looking forward to it, but it just tastes like cheap white wine at home, with some lemonade it's quite tasty!! might head to the side bar, then to a bar called scubar down the road for a boogie!
Hope everyones well, I'll update you when anything happens really! basically im a bum....
lots of love Amy xxx
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