Chitwan was beautiful when we awoke. We were situated on a river with wild endangered birds and animals each sharing the rivers water. As we arrived late last night the hotel manager gave us options for activities for the next day. We decided on the canoe, jungle safari and a visit to seethe new baby elephants.
The trip was really fun we boarded a canoe that fit 10 of us which was carved out of a tree which in itself was amazing. We peacefully glided down the river being shown various birds, deer and crocodiles. The boat was nerve racking at first as everyone had to remain centrally balanced to avoid capsizing. We stopped after a peaceful 40 minutes and ventured into the jungle. This was VERY scary, we were shown fresh rhino poo, crocodile marks and tiger foot prints. Before setting off our guide informed us what to do if we saw rhinos, tigers, wild bears, elephants or crocodiles. His answer was to either climb a big tree, hide behind it or RUN. He also informed us that the day before a guide had been killed by a rhino by this point I was sweating and counting down the minutes until we returned back to the hotel. The guide held nothing but a bamboo stick to defend us. We traipsed through the jungle for over an hour and didn't see much wildlife at all which even though I was petrified it was disappointing. The guide kept climbing trees like a monkey and making noises to attract the animals but nothing seemed to work.
After the safari we walked to the elephant breeding ground which was lovely baby elephants stand with their mothers playing and cuddling. As we stood and watched a very curious baby elephant walked over and let us stroke him and then he started to play with my trousers. Getting his trunk putting it round my legs and sucking in my trousers felt so funny. He was a little show off running around causing mischief. We didn't pet him for too long as his mother was starting to get distressed.
We jumped in a jeep and headed back to the hotel. I'm unsure if it was the amount of time I had been in the sun but I spent the rest of the day bed bound where Ed fetched me cold flannels, water etc. I resurfaced around 7pm where we went out for dinner. This was a lovely restaurant by the jungle where Ed tried an Everest beer. Our friend Laura fell through the chair which cheered me up. In Nepal the power goes off from time to time to save money therefore during the night we all awoke complaining of the heat it was unbearable without a fan.
The next day in Chitwan we hopped in a private car to head to pokhara. This journey was terrible feeling under the weather and took us almost 5 hours. Once we arrived we rested and met again at 5 to see what pokhara had to offer. When we look out our new bedroom window we can see part of the Himalayas which is just breath taking and stunning it just doesn't look real, especially because the terrific heat in our room looking at snow covered peaks. Our orientation ended up being just the girls as the boys went and watched the man united game!! Us girls shopped through the pokey shops and markets. I have purchased a couple of goodies one of which is a beautiful Christmas ball ball for mine and Eds first Christmas tree, it's beautiful I love it. I also brought tiny flags for each country we are visiting so once we have been ill sew them on our travel bags!!
We met up again for dinner and didn't stay out late as we have another early wake up.
This day was by far one of the best, we set off at 4:30am to hike up a mountain directly opposite the Himalayan range. This was difficult and very steep with step after step. It was still dark so we were led by torches. I'd luckily got my walking boots on so they helped carry me to the top. We reached the top and proceeded to watch the sunrise lighting the tops of each peek like a candle. The views were amazing and ones I will remember for a lifetime. We stood breathless in awe of the view for an hour taking picture after picture and after taking my last mental picture we headed back down. We got back rested had breakfast and set off on our paragliding adventure.
We took a jeep to the top of the mountain we had climbed earlier in the morning and was shown our pilot. My pilot was a young Nepalese man who was lovely, I had no time to be scared just clipped to each other told to walk a couple of steps and then told to run off the cliff where we just floated into the air. Was an amazing experience gliding through the mountains and over the peaceful city of pokhara. As we got nearer to the ground he started to do some fancy tricks which made me feel very sick so that was stopped ASAP
Haha. The flight lasted half an hour and has made me so excited to do a skydive in the future.
The rest of the day we chilled and shopped and went for lunch which cost us £1 each. We went to a small cafe with 2 tables and chairs run by a lady and her husband we tipped her as it was delicious and she was gobsmacked but it made our day as well as hers. We then went for dinner where ed tried a water buffalo steak. We then got back chilled and waited for the power to come back on before heading to bed. We have an interesting 9 hour bus journey tomorrow which we are not looking forward too. It is also our last day and we shall spend it in Kathmandu! So excited to meet GiGi here!!
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