Reeallylong buss journey from Malaysia back up to the east coast islands. This time we headed to Koh Phangan, most famous for the Full Moon, Half Moon, Black Moon and any other moon they can think of parties! We had heard mixed reports of the FMP, with up to 30,000 people attending, and non-druggies outcasts!
We met up with Fay and Jenny, and spent a couple of days chilling by the pool as they were both disabled from a quad biking accident - muppets! But a warning to us to be careful! On their last night we ventured down to the beach where the pre FMP was happening, although apparently it didn't get going properly until early morning! We were impressed that we made it to midnight, and it didn't look as bad as we had first thought, with firethrowers etc and a few bars playing music other than trance and drum and bass thank god! Even so, we were unsure of how long we would last the next night at the main event. Luckily we found some good bars with Thai bands doing pretty good rock and pop covers (bizarre!) and some chill out. After a fair few cocktails and buckets of vodka we were amazed that we made it til 5am!
After a lie in the next day we hired a moped to explore some more of the island, and ended up keeping it for the rest of our time on the island. We moved to what was supposedly the most beautiful beach on the island at Haad Yao, but it always seemed to be raining when we were there so we didn't see its best! We spent our days mainly arrvng at dead ends or starting off into the jungle before realising our moped wouldn't be able to get us back up the mountains, but found some great viewpoints and dried up waterfalls!
On our last day we took a (very wet!) speedboat trip to Ang Thong Marine Park, which is a group of islands which rise from the sea with vertical cliff faces. We went snorkelling first which was a bit of a let down as there were hundreds of people in a small area and no interesting fish compared to Malaysia and Koh Tao. We were then taken sightseeing past various islands until we reached a beautiful beach for lunch, where we also walked up to a viewpoint to look down over all the other islands. We finished up at the Emerald Lake in the middle of one of the islands that was connected to the sea by underwater tunnels. Very emerald!
The next day we headed to Koh Tao to be reunited with our second home and money eater, Crystal Dive Centre!
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