We started our time in Wanaka at Puzzling World. What started as a single maze is now a large tourist attraction with the maze and a multitude of illusion rooms. It also include a cafe complete with multiple puzzles to play with! The maze itself took consists of 4 corner towers which you need to find before finding your way back out. We set off together and after around 10 minute both reached a different corner tower at the same time. I then proceeded to get to all 4 towers whilst Alex had just found 1 other. My bravado whilst not short lived did end when after about an hour I finally managed to get out to see Alex sat waiting! we then investigated the illusion rooms.OneI room was on an angle of 15 degrees along with all the furniture which leads to things appearing to roll uphill! Another one gave the illusion of Alex being 12 foot tall and me about 3 foot! We finished out time there taking the "standard" photos that every visitor end up with! We then climbed Mt Iron for spectacular views over the lake and town. Also saw a few crazy people who were running up it - this didn't appeal to either of us!
A jet boat ride up the Clutha river is how we started the following day which was beautifully scenic with a few thrills thrown in. We started with a cruise up Lake Wanaka to the mouth of the Clutha river. We executed a couple of spins on the way to get the adrenaline flowing. We then starting a course up the Clutha river. The clarity of the water was amazing. You could clearly see the bottom even when traveling at speed and some of the deeper sections were meters deep. We followed the river up over rapids and shallow looking river beds. I asked when we stopped what the lowest clearance required is? 2 inches came the reply along with the driver saying he has not know the river so low in the 9 years he has been doing it!
On our return to dry land we headed off to the Rob Roy Glacier Walk a recommenced in the Lonely Planet. This was a 4 hour return walk over a swing-bridge and then up through a forested mountainside to views of glacier topped mountains. An energetic walk that was again well worth the views. This really is a stunning country. Pictures and words really can't explain the beauty of the South Island - you have the experience it yourself!
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