Yeah, so I'm in Dublin. I came her via aeroplane, which I find the most convenient way to travel long distances. Not a particularly pleasant journey though, they put Ireland soooo far away. Plane nerds: Etihad is fine, nothing special. It was a full flight, so I never really felt I was looked after since they were so busy just completing their regular tasks. The Entertainment System was good, you could choose from about 50 or so different movies. Food was pretty good. Abu Dhabi airport is not what I expected at all. I was thinking it was going to be some brand spanking new, gleaming view of the future, but it's more like a domed men's urinal.
Dublin is as far as I've got so far. I was pretty underwhelmed by it yesterday, but it was overcast and I figure I was in a bit of a jet-lagged state of profound apathy. Today, the sun's been out more often than not and, when it has been: gee, it's a lovely place.
Abraham's, the hostel that I'm at, is OK. Clean, but a little pokey. Something special must happen on Friday and Saturday nights there though: the price goes up 250%! It seems to be standard throughout the city and I figure it's got something to do with folk taking advantage of cheap airfares and spending the weekend there. I don't think I'm going to get anything extra, but a musical floorshow would be nice.
I'm hiring a car in a couple of days and I'm not sure whether I'm looking forward to it. I have a theory regarding pedestrian behaviour and it's relationship to driving practices. Dublin walkers are all over the place, and there seem to be no rules (eg. keep to the left, etc) so I think I may be taking my life in my hands...
Anyway, this is my first blog "on the road", and haven't spent as much time as I usually do on my writings, so apologies for the lack of wit.
Tomorrow I'm off to learn about hurling and gaelic football and stuff. I'm still feeling somewhat anti-social at this early stage of my travels, so tonight I'm just going to find a quick bite somewhere and just chill out.
Um, the end. Be good.
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