Glad to see you are having a wonderful time on your holiday. Wish we could be there with you. Hope you sent a postcard this holiday and we would like a present. Hope to see you at Amanda's in a few weeks.
Love your cousin Michelle.
Hi Michael,
I only just realised there is a message board feature on this blog. I came here expecting a Netherlandic update, but there's nothing! Anyway, hurry up and blog :)
Suzan Verhagen
Hi Michael,
I've finally read all your travel stories, and it took me about 45 minutes or so. I've never been in Ireland, but I really like to visit it someday. You don't really seem enthousiastic about it, but maybe that's because you're an Aussie, and you've seen much nicer places in your one country. Anyway, I've enjoyed reading your blog!! I think it's very funny,and you should become a comedian : ) I don't understand why there only 2 people who've written on your message board, so I thought I should write something. What did you do in the Netherlands so far, because you haven't wrote about the past few days yet.
Anyway, I'll find out tomorrow, when we'll meet each other. I'm really looking forward to it!! I hope you'll enjoy 'the Efteling' as much as I always do. The weather is gonna be fine, so I think we're pretty lucky. Tomorrow evening, you'll have to watch soccer with us, because Holland's in the quarter-final, as you presumably know. Well, that's it for now.
Seeya in 12 hours!!
Paul Metcalf
Good to hear from you. Best of luck on your latest round the world adventure. You surely have done more travelling than most people I know! Post some more photos if you can. And glad to hear you managed to down a pint of Guiness (spelling?). Give me a call or email when you get back.
Best regards,
Didn't know you were off to travel again... Ireland, wow! A country I'd love to go to but up until now it just never happened. But it's really high up in my favorites list. How long are you going to travel? And "just" Ireland or are you going to other countries as well? Hope, you'll be back down under when I'm heading there in August though
Looking forward to some pics of yours and to your blog update. Enjoy Ireland and drink a Guiness for me in the meantime!