Day 3 Goa
I have gotten used to our cell like room now and even slept last night without having any alcohol.The staff here, especially the food and bar workers are really friendly and seem a good laugh.Today we have been to visit Old Goa where yet again pushy parents were pushing their children for pictures with the Guru.The storm seems to have cleared the air and the sun is hotter than yesterday.
Raj, our taxi driver advised us about a trip to the organic spice plantation where for RS 400 you get a guided tour and lunch.We had a great time walking through the jungle seeing all the different spice plants.(Caz, this one is for you) The spiders however, were not nice.Whilst everyone was admiring the luscious, green beauty of the jungle, all i could see were cob webs as big as my head and spiders of all colours but one size, BIG, resting in them.What i did enjoy though was the big, fat snake that decided to tag along on the tour and pose for a picture it seemed.That is the first time I have seen a snake in its natural habitat and it was great.
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