Made it on overnight train from Bangkok, with a small group of 6 people various ages. One other girl who is Australian and lived in Glasgow for a few years, so we are chatting loads. Chiang Mai is in the mountain area. Had breakfast after arriving then drove 45 minutes to ride an elephant it was great fun. The elephants are so slow but strong, we went up a very muddy hill. The elephant loved being served bananas and like going off the track for bamboo. Met a baby elephant to. There skin is very hard and wrinkly with hair sticking out. The elephants used to be used for logging, but carrying a few tourists once or twice a day is far kinder. Apparently if they were not doing this they would have been put down, which is awful. It was funny the baby elephant tickled my leg with his trunk, thankfully he did not think it was a banana or I would have been in trouble.
Then I did something adventourous went bamboo rafting and fell in it was great fun until I fealised my cash card and battery for my camera were in my pocket but hopefully they are ok. Managed to get some money out of the bank so the card is working. Last day in Thailand tomorrow would love to come back the people are so friendly. Having my Thai massage in Laos at a Red Cross charity place. Have to get my visa tomorrow. Before I left Bangkok, bumped into a young guy who had been in Bangkok for a few days whilst I was there, he recognised me, it is quite a small world. Very well done to Sean at getting a certificate for his football, I will be no use to practice with in the garden next summer you and Hugh and Cara will be so much better than me. Are any of you bigger than me yet? Thank you to everyone for all the lovely birthday messages. Might be a while till I am in touch as going to areas where there is no internet and electricity for 3 hours only in the evening. Loas here we come!
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