This is taking so long to upload have not put picture on after 10 hour journey made it to Siam Reap. Angor Wat is amazing. Cambodia is a very poor country some people make money from the tourists, but others have very little, lots of landmine victims. The temples have to be seen I cannot describe how beautiful they are even in the pouring rain. It is where TombRaider was filmed the trees coming through make it a wonderful sight. Thankfully there were no weird creatures, Sean and Hugh would love it. Felt a bit like Indianna Jones climbing through the ancient temples. But I have to say I felt a little bit uncomfortable all these people wearing down the ancient stone. Had to go through loads of puddles climbed up to the top of Angor Wat.
Writing this in Bangkok took about 13 hours to get back 5 hours on a bus from Siem Reap to Poipet. The road is just dirt track with lots of pot holes you bounce the whole way my bum had its first work out. By the amount of pictures I put on you can tell I thought Cambodia and the temples of Angkor are spetacular. I would urge anyone to go they are one of the wonders of the world. There are so many needy people in Cambodia lots of children begging and landmine victims. I gave the children biscuits they say it is better than giving money, they were all so polite and said thank you. There English is very good and they all knew Edinburgh was the capitol city.
One of the very interesting things about the temples was they all had libraries. Some had universities and hospitals. The people lived in teak houses round the temples. There life was recorded in the carvings on the walls. Angkor Wat took 37 years to buid that includeds the huge moat that surrounds it. Whilst I was in Angkor Wat I will never forget the sound of the frogs in the moat and the jungle they were so loud.
Ta Phrom has been left for the huge spung trees to grow through it. Depending on the light the roots look gold or silver. In some parts it looks like a big snake. Whilst I was there I saw a green snake going up the wall and into one of the cracks the guide told me it was poisonous. I felt a bit like Lara Croft clambering about. But I felt a bit wrong, you wonder about the wear and tear on these old buildings. Cambodia is so proud of them Angkor is on its flag. It makes money from tourists I hope they manage to preserve these magnificant buildings. The people are so friendly, but a lot so poor there is such a difference between it and Thailand. I went to a traditional dancing display the womens costumes and there dancing was majestic. There fingers bend back so much. I went to a restraunt called Dead Fish Tower they had live fish in a pool and crocodiles in another. There was a sign at the door they did not cook dogs, rats or crocs. I had a traditional fish with coconut and rice, it was delicious. I had a funny experience in 12 hour I met a young couple from Callender and a young guy from Dunfermilne in Siem Reap. On waking in the morning I heared the news (by the way I wake at about 5.30 to 6.30 every morning) about the BBC journalist Alan Johnstone who has been kidnapped. His mum and dad were sending him a message and I am sure they said they were going to Cairndow for lunch.
I also met a real traveller on the bus back Cynthia from Sweden she is the same age as I am, she has a son called Apple. She has been living in Bangkok for a year. Foreigners who live here have to go to the border every month to renew there visa. We chatted the whole way back. She is from Sweden but here father was from Argentina. I think she is a artist she has lived in Tokyo and London. I heard a lot about her beautiful Japanese boyfriend. She was very into healing and the new age. She has invited me out for my birthday, I am thinking about it but we shall see tomorrow. It was very kind of her.
Forgot to say I went on a mopped in Siem Reap it was an experience the hotel waiter took me to the cash machine and back. We stopped for petrol, which is at a stall and is in a plastic or glass bottle and they just pour it in with or without a funel. I was also on a tuk tuk which is basically a motorbike with a trailer and a seat. Travel in Asia is so easy compared to India everthing is so organised. At the border on the way back there was an older man with a loudspeaker (and a leather cowboy hat)Â telling you where to go for the bus, and you have to wear a badge so you are getting on the right bus. I would definately come back because it is so easy, hopefully I will find someone to come back with. I do not know if this is interesting or not to you. Need to think what I am going to do for my birthday. Posted a parcel home again, Thank you Annmarie for letting me know at least one has got there. I am afraid I got ripped off in Krabi post office thay charged me way more than Bangkok and it was not sealed properly. So i think the one or two things I got in Malaysia and Singapore I will never see again. Have The Robertsons got there parcel. By the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIMON BELIEVE ME YOU WOULD LOVE BANGKOK and Bangkok would love you.
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