10 am is the time we arrived at the train station in Strasbourg this morning. 10 am. However, we soon found out Molly's host mum couldn't pick us up until 1 30! We reluctantly hauled our bags to the closest cafe and grabbed a bight to eat. Once we met Anne and her daughter Miriam, they drove us to our hotel Anne had arranged. We didn't realise she was paying for it and she payed extra so it would include breakfast too! It was so generous of her! She then drove us to her apartment that was so spacious and open. I loved her interior decorating of the place and outside on the balcony she had statue Buddhas, plants , and cute fairy lights surrounding the comfy chairs and table. Her style reminded me of yours mum! We sat on the sunny balcony as she brought out turkey and chicken skewers with a side of home made crunchy chips. It was so weird to be waited on and driven around all day, I think I could get used to it haha. She then dropped us home and Miriam came in with us to pick up our dirty washing because they offered to wash it all! We then jumped back in the car and drove to Germany. It was a relief to know it was only a 15 minute drive as strassborg is right on the boarder of France and Germany. They then took us to their favourite ice cream store in the German town, Kel. All the ice creams looked so exotic and fruity, and they tasted super sweet. Anne isisted that she pay again which was so kind of her. She wants us to save our money for the rest of our travels, how nice. Once we had got back home showered and freshened up , the friendly Anne and MIriam picked us up again to take us out for dinner. It was nice to see the suburbs and country of Strasbourg , as everywhere in Spain we mainly just saw the cities. On the way to the restaurant, we would pass through little towns with perfect triangle shaped houses, that all had window shutters and colourful flower boxes hanging off the windows. Most of the roads were cobble stone and the little villages looked so different to Melbourne. We then would drive on a lone country road that was surrounded by wide stretching paddocks and corn crops until reaching the next village. We arrived at the restaurant that was set up with chairs outside and inside and some undercover. We sat inside but next to the wide open door and underneath tree leaves that had been placed on the ceiling. We ordered 4 types of tart flombaythat is traditional in the Alsace region. Its like a pita bread pizza with cheese bacon and onion on top. The last flamkeche we ate had the strong french cheese major on it. You could smell it from a mile away! It was delicious and warm, but cheese mixed with wine aswell made us feel so full. We're just not used to the French way, cheese and wine. Once we had finished our meals we drove to te Strasbourg cathedral to see the summer light show. It was so pretty as different parts of the cathedral would light up in time to classical music. It looked really cool from afar and the cathedral was gigantic! We're at the hotel now and I'm knodding off xoxo Alice
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