Alice's Travels
Today I'm in Rockhampton, didn't actually plan to come here but you have to remain fairly flexible when travelling. I was on a coach to Bundaberg, a 12 hour trip that was due to arrive at 23.30, however, the bus broke down 3 times and the driver kept getting out to fix it, but the third time the on board computer broke down and we had to wait in a crappy little town called Mackey for 3 hours while they got someone to fix it.
There wasn't anyone to let me in the hostel in Bundy at that time so i changed my plans a bit and got off at Rockhampton where 6 others on the bus where going and we all managed to check in together (probably a wise move as its not very nice arriving everywhere in the dark).
It does mean that my journey South is going to take a few more days but I made it worthwhile by going shopping and finding a mobile charger. Feel a lot happier now I have a way of contacting people- I'm not sure how I'd live without my mobile, its a pretty essential bit of kit.
I leave here tommorrow and have one night in Bundaberg, then I finally get to rainbow beach for my Fraser island camping trip.
Still enjoying Australia, the weather has been great the last few days, nothing but hot sun and I can gradually feel my tan coming back (although Sydney will no doubt strip me of that).
I've sent another package of clothes home which i just don't want to carry around anymore, but unfortunately I'm addicted to anything with the Rip Curl label and have accumulated more items on my shopping trip today.
Oh yeah-and why is it that Australian banks take about 3 hours to process a travellers cheque when the rest of the world give you money in seconds. Its a mystery!!
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