hello from a very tired camper!
I've spent the last 3 days on a Fraser Island self-drive, camping out on the beaches and generally having a laugh. My group consisted of 11 people, 4 boys and 7 girls and they were all awesome, I couldn't have selected a better group of people myself. They were the major highlight of the trip and we spent both the nights up drinking and chatting til late.
Day One: We got up early, packed the jeep with all our gear and food and were gven brief instructions on how to drive the thing, then we set off all alone into the unknown. Jo was the first to take the wheel and was a natural, she got the hang of driving with all the weight and in the sand so quickly and became our trusted number one driver coz she didn't run into any problems at all and drove like a pro on the very bumpy inland sand tracks!!
We stopped at Lake Mckenzie which was stunning, the sand made it like a beach but the water was fresh water and so much nicer to swim in so we stayed a while having a laugh and eating lunch. We then drove down the beach to set up camp in the light (we decided against the campsite with their 9.30 curfews) and set down with another group where we made our steak dinner and drank into the night.
Unfortunately we did encounter a Dingo in the small hours of the morning, Marie who i shared a tent with shone her torch and we just saw 2 eyes staring back-he obviously smelt the food but it kinda freaked us out for the rest of the night.
Day 2: We got up and had breakfast cooked for us then set off for Indian head north of the beach where we caught some great views but I was pretty tired after a sleepless night of Dingo's and an uncomfortable bed!
We set up camp in record time, again on the beach and we constructed a rain shelter and everything. We absolutely terrorised the campers next to us. I dug behind their wheels to try and bog them in the sand and then changed their hubs so they wouldn't be able to drive in four wheel drive ha ha. Needless to say we didn't like them very much but it was very amusing.
Day 3: Felt very grubby in the morning when we were woken up for brekky but I got to drive and took us to Lake Wabby which was a bit of a walk but well worth it for all the rolling on the dunes fun!!!
Took the barge back to Rainbow Beach and am now back where I've finally had a shower and have a proper bed to sleep in tonight-hooray.
Definately had one of the best times in Oz so far, loved every minute and want to go again.
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