hey everyone,
I got a greyhound bus to Airlie Beach on Friday and am currently chilling out in this backpackers haven!! Its only a small beachy sort of place but its rammed with bars, cafes, hostels and tacky shops selling crap (my paradise). Jack would love the gift shops, I doubt we'd see him for days.
Have only been here one night but met some great guys from Watford- Chris (Jaffa), Sam and Mark (Oppie) so we all had dinner and went out for drinks but I was rubbish and flaked out at 12 heading towards bed. All this travelling and turned me into a sensible drinker-boo.
Unfortunately the guys just left for their sailing trip and I went to book one for myself. I've booked a 2 day trip sailing the Whitsundays with 1 night on board. Considering I hate everything about boats I thought that was quite brave. Managed to get a wicked deal on the price by booking my fraser island trip in a combo but I'm still spending like there's no tommorrow and I've desperately got to cut back. Oh well, we only live once and I'm going by Sam's theory of "live now, pay later" which he has tatooed in Latin on his ankle!!!!
Been away over 2 months now and its gone so quick, but thinking back to the Cook Islands and California does seem ages and ages ago- I can't even remember what Miranda looks like- only joking.
Will post again when I'm back from the Whitsundays and looking a bit green xxx
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