It's been a while since my last blog update, mainly because the previous website closed down and as we all know I'm too lazy to search for a new one. But here we are (with some searching from David for a new blog site!) Since the last blog, things are looking less like a holiday and more like living our normal life again, whether that's bad or good...?! Sadly (such deep sadness), pruning ended only a week and a half after it had begun thus rendering us unemployed and more importantly with only 9 farm days under the belt. After hanging around Albany for a week or so, hoping for some work to come our way, we popped off to Perth for 3 and a half weeks, so I could work at a more normal job (for me!) and I had a lovely 3 weeks working at a coding summer (winter) camp for children. It was strangely nice to be back in a sort of classroom again, even though one week my class only had 6 children, so of course it was amazing! Working with Aussies for 3 weeks I learnt many many things, such as their love for bread with butter and sprinkles, and their strange BBQ habits, again involving an odd choice of bread (coming to the conclusion that the Aussie diet mainly consists of sliced bread....?) Although I had taught coding over the last few years (espresso, anyone!?) this was definitely a step up in the difficultly department for me, but in the end it was an enjoyable experience-shame it had to end after the holidays were over! The new hostel we stayed in in Perth was also lovely, with chocolate spread for breakfast!!! That this is exciting for me should tell you something about my current life status. Anyway, we lounged away the hours not at work on the lovely sofas, and enjoying what we had missed in Perth- shops! And people!
Yet, the time came early July to return to Albany, where we had signed up to begin our farm days (remember, a whole 9 days down! Woo!), working at a place called Fletcher's, a meat factory about half an hour from our hostel.
To my absolute horror and disgust and unhappiness, it transpired that you needed a vaccination, as well as a skin test and (dun, dun, dun!) a BLOOD TEST to be able to work there, due to potential sheep diseases (now is the time to look at the blog title and decide what type of job this is.....)
To cut a very long story short, I had a day of stropping about this, as I didn't want to have a needle, let alone three! But one look at the bank account as well as the news that there were potentially no other jobs in the near future caused me to say I would give it a go. Needless to say, when I said this I was planning on bailing as soon as possible, but with a lot of help from David and the other lovely people from our hostel who are working with us, I managed to brave my first blood test! I also made a massive scene, had to have 2 nurses hold me down and fainted twice but, little victories?
I've now had all 3 injections and it's only a week or so until we can work without our glamorous (read: vomit inducing) mask. Farm work being farm work, it's not the best job in the world, and I totally dread going, but I've now rocked up 22 farm days! 66 to go...........
Accommodation: Coolibah Lodge, Northbridge, Perth (by far the best in Perth yet)
Then of course back to old faithful Albany Backpacker's! (Room 5- the one with good WiFi haha!)
- comments
Pearl Brave lady! It all sounds amazing Alice and will build memories to treasure. Stay safe. Lot's of love to you both. xxx
Diane Smith Go Alice, go Alice, woo woo! What a trooper, you must love my son! Miss you xxx