Been settling in well in our new place, been to most of the restaurants and bars along the cliff front. We've had some really good Indian food, fresh fish (every place has a stall with a wide range of fish just outside for you to pick), everywhere has a tandoori oven, naturally, and we're taking full advantage of the cheese naan. Its probably as traditional as Tikka flavored Walkers crisps, but I am especially addicted.
Most places shut at about 11.00pm of a night, it's more about relaxing here not really partying, which is fine, as this is the only place where we can settle for a few days during our trip and treat like a holiday.
Having said that, we went to a place called Rock N Roll Bar one evening and couldn't help staring at a guy who looked like Doc Brown from a weird alternate future. (Back to the Future ; The Early Years).
He was in a big group of people of different nationalities and ages who seemed to be having a pretty good time. We eventually got chatting to the Pied Piper of Varkala, turns out he, his girlfriend and the rest of the gang were lovely people.
Over the space of about three weeks, a pretty strong group of about 10-15 had formed (The Varkalites), and convinced others that had only planned to stay for a few days, to stay for a few weeks. A relief for people who have been travelling alone for months on end, to find a group of fun, settled people.
With all bars/restaurants along the cliff, the place with the most people will attract more people, who rationalise, that if it's busy, it must be good.
This logic allowed the Rock N Roll Bar to become THE place to go to party, and if it wasn't for Charlie (Doc Brown) and the group he had assembled, there would probably be nowhere to go.
This lead to many drink fuelled nights going on until the early hours and each time, another member was added to the crew.
The owners had struck gold, so much so they offered Charlie and his girlfriend Michelle the chance to stay and eat for free, provided they do what they do best, party! What a dilemma!
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