Black Beach!
Went looking for a place they call 'Black Beach!' today, which is, well, a beach with black sand...surprisingly. So we asked a local where this could be found, and headed off on the 5-6km walk along the shore...without 1.00pm.
So, off we went on our short walk to find the wonderful, amazing, spectacular, mysterious Black Beach! in 35 degree heat, without water.
Our walk took us past the bars, restaurants, and shops along the cliff front, and the further we went, the quieter and less built up it was.
Which meant that everything became even more beautiful but our chances of getting water became slimmer.
"It's not far now though", we said...every 10minutes.
We did reach part of the beach which indeed had black sand in it, but it was mixed with regular sand! This can't be it, we mused, this ain't no Black Beach! We can find blacker! So off we went, marching on like a couple of junkies searching for the ultimate hit.
Each time we reached a section of sand that was 'a bit black', the words, 'we can find blacker!' were uttered, until it became a mantra, that we repeated over and over in a crazed, sun stroked drone (I felt like Mugabe).
We walked past some wonderful, secluded, parts of the beach and the further we went, the more the locals stared. We thought it was because we were white, I think it was because we were lost.
It got to the point where there were less people and more animals. We even managed to scare the s*** out of a sleeping cow which was both funny and frightening at the same time.
We came to the conclusion, after over an hour, walking in the heat with no water, reaching a point with nothing but four fishing boats, that Black Beach! was probably a) 40 minutes ago and b) rubbish.
We finally abandoned our mission, found a road and a tiny shop where we bought some water (despite Alex initially not wanting to drink it as she thinks everyone is trying to poison us) and got an auto-rickshaw back, to the regular beach....the beach that doesn't lie.
- comments
Rik Haha - Loved this. Especially the Mugabe bit. feel like him at least once a day!
Lorna Wing Loving your blogs and writing, Just makes me laugh - dont you know it's rude to point....Tom's coming over tomorrow for games night - beer, a fab curry - though probably not as good as you're having - and lots of board games. Carry on having a ball! lorna x
Tom Wing Rich, you make my day with these entries. Why can't you be as funny in person. Get on it.