Well Vienna is just as I expected and 1 day is certainly not enough time to see everything.
We spent the afternoon sightseeing and watching people posing in front of a statue of Mozart which was very funny.
We found ourselves besides the main cathedral and a lady began talking to us. The cathedral is under going renovations and there were lots of photo's depicting this along with photo's of 1945. The lady explained that 2 days before the end of the war German and Russian artillery had bombed a department store which people began to loot: in order to stop this the authorities set fires in front of the store which unfortunately set fire to the wooden parts of the cathedral and almost destroyed it!
We found another food market after stopping for coffee and cake in a very nice coffee shop. Whilst we were having our cakes an American lady came in and through her conversation with the waitress she was saying she couldn't decide between dinner or ice-cream; Colin encouraged her to have ice-cream and she said he was a bad influence and she'd only just met him!
We had Thai food tonight and as we sat by the fountain in the park we could here classical music playing which we thought was a concert, so when we finished our meal we went round to have a look and found that it was a huge screen for a film festival: which wasn't quite true as it was more for broadcasting music concerts. Tonight for the first time ever Colin and I watched an opera! We watched Mozart's Marriage of Figaro. We didn't understand a word and lost the plot halfway through, but nether less it was an experience; one Colin says he doesn't ever have to repeat!
We're now sitting in the hotel bar, which has a very posh chandelier (blog photo).
We have a 5 roomed suite with an upstairs and down stairs loo! It is very luxurious! I'm just hoping they haven't mixed us up with some-one else and we have to pay an exhorbitant price tomorrow!
An American man has just asked the bartender to recommend the most expensive whiskey he has, which is a 16 year old Scottish whiskey at 14 euros a shot. The American agreed to it then asked him to half fill the tumbler with ice and then proceeded to pour half a bottle of coke in; now I am not a whiskey drinker but even I know that whiskey of that age and quality should not be drowned, he could have had Lidls cheapest for the amount he would be able to taste!
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