29/3/09: We had to get up at 5.30 and get ready. We had ordered a taxi to take us to bus station at 6. Then the bus left at 6.45. Rockhampton wasnt the best place- it was good to see a real Australian town, with real local people, etc, but it was a bit boring and it didnt help that the hostel wasnt that great. We travelled until about 1, stopping briefly for food. We arrived at the bus station in Hervey Bay and the sun was shining but our hostel hadnt sent a transfer bus- lil alex phoned them and they said to get a lift with one of the other hostels but they hadnt sent a bus either. But then one of the other hostels offered to drop us off whish was handy. We checked in- we have our own room again and this hostel is really clean and new! There was a big cultural festival down the road by the beach so we went to explore- it was well cool- there was loads of stalls with different foods and items from different countries. Plus several stages with people performing stuff like Russian dancing and Flamenco dancing and folk singers and belly dancers. However, not long after we arrived it started hammering it down for ages- which was a real shame. We got drenched!! We mooched back to the hostel and asked the guy about a Fraser Island trip- he gave us some brochures and we booked it for Tuesday (a one night two day trip). (oh and check out lil alexs blog for Whitsunday photos). We went down to the beach once it stopped raining and walked along the front- a nice long sandy beach. Then we got some noodles for tea from a noodle place- which were very nice!! Then we went back to the hostel and chilled- reading and watching tv.
30/3/09: We woke up fairly early even though we could of had a lay in for a change. We got ready and walked up to a load of shops where we went to supermarket to get a few supplies. Then we went and laid on the beach as it was a very hot and sunny day!! Read book and had a paddle. Then come back to hostel and chilled there for a while. We are leaving early tomorrow for Fraser Island so I will post an update when we get back and get somewhere with internet!!
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