Pack up camp and leave about 8.30, we head into san Antonio it's self & visit the Alamo, a fort back in the 19th century used to fight of mexicans from taking the capital back, this is where Davy Crockett died fighting. Really hot today, about 37degrees celsius. After the Alamo we head down to the riverwalk, which if im all honest didn't expect it to be what it was. I was expecting a plain river with grass verges with few trees but in a way it reminded me of a miniture Venice, fountains placed along the water, boat tour, restaurants and shop[s. The walk we took led us to the shopping mall where the smell of food over powered me and I had to invest in a warm cheese & ham wrap, mmmmm. Head back to the bus about 12 & have lunch & we head of for a 4hour drive to our site in Fort Stockton, on a rest break Taft rings the camp site to confirm our booking but is told that the site has just experienced a down pour and out camp site is swamped!!!! IN THE DESSERT!!!!! We approach the camp with there being a slight drizzle, pass a nice looking pond.................... well what i thought was a pond was in fact where we were supposed to be setting our tents up!!!! Luckily we are offered 2 cabins, 5 in each!! Me, Stine & Nigel cook dinner, Pasta, tomatoe sauce with chicken chunks, we had to cook most of it in the rain and for the remainder of the evening it poured it down with thunder and lightning!!! Taking a few photos my camera ran out of memory so tried viewing pictures so i could delete a couple but for some reason there are no imaages to view, hopefully I can retrieve all my pictures I've taken so far!!!! :-(.
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