On day three we are starting to miss having showers but have acclimatised to going to toilet in a hole in the ground. An added bonus was that last night we slept well, not being too cold and opened our tent to the view of the mountains seen in the picture.
I have recovered slightly but it is Abigail's turn to feel rough again. If it is not one it is the other, but we have tried to help each other through and hasn't affected our experience at all.
It was the day with the most walking but a majority being downhill making it easier to do. We had now joined the original inca trail completely which increases our enthusiasm of walking in their footsteps.
We had a lot of stops today, to look at inca watch towers, astronomy points and fortresses. Also seeing sacrificial spots and learning a lot about the incas today has been really interesting although still just as tough.
Incase the shear quantity of walking wasn't hard enough, we were also faced with vertical steps. Having to shuffle down, stepping down sideways as our feet wouldn't fit on the steps we edged our way down. Getting behind schedule we all ended up taking a slight short cut to camp but we were assured we hadn't missed anything.
Having seen glimpses of machu pichu the mountain we are all over excited for tomorrow. With camp, as per usual all set up for us, we settled down and washed had food. With the groups all having good banter we all took the mick out of each other but we also all sad it was our last dinner together. Tipping the porters and saying goodbye we all went to bed for our early start to see of of the wonders of the world tomorrow.
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