Adventure Playground
Was in bed most of the day - jet lag. On the night we went to the other big night area, which is based around a lake. It was a little quiet but still OK. We eventually found a huge night club, which we were escorted into. It was really trendy and we sat in on a huge leather couch and had personal staff getting us drinks etc. I got talking to a Chinese girl, and after a while Ed and Nath got bored so went for a walk. Evetually I found them at the bar with some Chinese guys.
They had bought a full bottle of Tequila and where our new best mates. One of them spoke good English and had a good sense of humour. More turned up including girls and it was going well. Then the lights came on as it was closing time (4am). No problem, our mate led us off.
We found ourselves in what looked like a video shoot for Snoop Dog on MTV. It was a huge private room with Champagne, massive LCD TV on the wall and leather sofas, pretty girls etc. 'This is great!' we thought. Then things went downhill.
A massive brawl started out of nowhere and our mate was in the middle of it! No exaggeration, it must have been over 30 people belting each other and throwing each other around the corridor just outside our pad. We couldn't believe it, we had just got settled!
So, after a few minutes watching (thankfully we weren't involved) we decided to leg it. Got in about 5am.
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