Hi there,I know I know, it's been ages since I last updated my blog, but that just goes to show that ive been having such a great time out here. Ive been through Vietnam and Cambodia since I last wrote and am now back in Bangkok - back where I started a month ago.So to start where I left off, after Hanoi in Vietnam, we went down to Hue on the over night train. That was an adventure as it was so rickety but, managed to get some sleep. Hue was lovely, we spend the day on the back of a motorbike been chauffeured around the surrounding villages and were even taking to a nunnery for lunch. After Hue, we visited Hoi Ann, it's a beautiful fishing town and absolutely full of tailors everywhere. So me, being me, couldn't resist getting a few things tailor made for me - 2 pairs of shorts, 4 trousers, 1 skirt and 1 dress - whoops - my back is brimming now and very heavy. The food was amazing there and we even did a cookery course and made fresh spring rolls, sweet and sour prawns, pancakes and fish in clay pot - it was all so yummy. We then flew down to Ho Chi Minh City, otherwise known as Saigon. It was very westernized and so busy there. A few of us did a day tour to visit the Chu Chi tunnels which where an eye opener. Lots of traps and ways to trap the Americans during the war. I went down a tunnel which was very dark and scary, but im glad I did it so that I could experience what it must have been like.We then crossed the border into Cambodia which was so different to Vietnam. So poor and less influence of western lifestyle. First stop was Phnom Penh. The capital of Cambodia. It was so sad learning about the Khmer Rouge in the 70s and being taken to many sights such as the former school turned into a prison for torturing prisoners and the killing fields outside of the city. Especially as it was raining, the water was washing away bones underneath our feet. You could see bones and teeth all over the place. Very sad in deed - it was where all the people where killed and buried. After that, we went by plane across to Siem Reap. I loved it there. It was such a nice town with such lovely friendly faces and no obvious signs of the war 30 years ago. Obviously we were there for Angkar Wat though. We got up at 4am to see the sun rise at 6am. It was simply amazing and well worth it. We were shown around the temple and nearly broke my neck climbing the steep steps up to the top but it was so gorgeous. My highlight was going to the jungle temple where all the trees had over grown around the building - it was filmed in Tomb Raider. Another highlight was going to a local school to see some kids perform a local dance - they were so so good - I was really impressed with there choreography. It inspired me to my bit and after going to a lecture by a professor at the local hospital I gave blood to help the poor children - so you could say that was my good deed for the day.I arrived back into Bangkok a few days ago and have been filling my time with a trip to the floating market, the grand palace and Jim Thomson's house - all well worth a visit. So tonight I am off south towards Ko Tao to start a PADI scuba diving course with my sister who has flown out. Can wait. Having such a fab time, hope you enjoyed my update and will write soon. All my love Adele x
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