Well, arrived into Hawaii early on sunday morning which was really confusing as it actually meant that i had two sundays in a row. Crossed the time zone, so instead of it being monday, i had sunday all over again! Weird!
We were greeted by a hawaiian lady who gave us a ´lay´ to put around our necks. It was a lovely magents orchid which smelt lovely. It was certainly a nice welcome. As when we got into the hotel at 9am, we couldnt check in until 12, we were so exhausted we slept by the pool fully clothed. We must have looked like tramps, but we had no where else to go and couldnt access our bags as they insisted on us leaving them with the porter. Finally, we got into the room and had t.v, hot showers and lights! All off which were appreciated after the shipwrecked life style we had been living the past 5 days!
Our first stops was the pool. Just for a change, but it was great way to chill out. Traveling can be quite tiring, so wee needed more chill out time. The next day it was the trip to see Peral Harbour. It was great to see the famous harbour and the site of the USS ARIZONA. It really did make you think how unlucky they were that day to have been caught out like that. It was such a big harbour as well. I always thought it was small, but, no way. It was massive. There were a few Navy boats around and men in uniform, but generally, the men are out on missions, so we didnt see as many as i had hoped! It did make you trun your head whenever you say a guy dressed up in his uniform, no wander they have a women in every port!
After that we spent the next day touring the island. We joined a tour with some oldies. The guy we had taking us a round, was quite a funny chap, and we noticed that they insisted on making us repeat words all the time like, say ALLLLLOOOOOOHA! Or say OHAAAAANNNA! But, we went to a couple of places, like saw, ´From Here to Eternity´beach and where they filmed Jurassic park and Lost! Stuff like that which was cool. Our last destination was the Dole plantation, so as you can imagine, there were alot of pineapples. Yummy!
Another thing i loved about Hawaii, were all the 1950s figurines and pin up posters. They were every where. So Hollywood, and so cool. I bought tons of postcards as they looked so romantic. I think they really do use it as a tourity thing though, but i love that kitcsh stuff. Waikiki beach was absolutley packed when we went. Lots of people surfing, sun bathing and hanging out. But there was another thing i noticed and that was that there were a lot of homeless people in Hawaii. They dont really get any help, but they are everywhere.
Our last day was spent at the Polynesian Cultural Centre. It was abit corney, but fun. Basically it had all the islands in Polynesia and they performed, sang, did the hula and fed us food! (again) but it was nice to have it all summmed up before we left.
Next day we flew to Mexico! What a day that was.
Well, will right again soon about the next part of my journey, until then adios!
Adele x
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