Hi There,
Its day 6 and im in Luang Prabang. Its currently pouring with rain after a rain storm which has been going on all day - lots of thunder and lightening which was interesting whilst trying to watch 28 weeks later on the river boat, but the dramatic sound effects were abit too much for the boat driver, so we had to turn it off - thank god for that. Its so beautiful here. We've spent two days traveling along the Mekong river which flows all the way through Laos. The food is fab - i think i accidently ate lemon grass and intestine yesterday at the market, but so far i havent been ill so im hoping that means im ok for now. Im staying in some beautiful bamboo huts for the next 3 nights which is fab, as we've had some early mornings - up at 5.45 this morning to get to here to see the boat festival, but its too wet to see them!
There are so many cats and dogs and chickens roaming around - i even saw monkeys in the trees as we went by in the river boat its so amazing. We had to climb up avery wet and steep hill whilst carrying our bags - all the locals came out to see us. i had to army assult course accross 3 boats first and then climb up a slippery embankment - i feared for my life - well just that i might go tumbling down into the water and sink with my back sac on...
anyway, thats just normal life here - im getting accustomed to the tuk-tuk drivers, they are so hilariously dangerous, and the locals are so sweet and friendly too. Tonight im having a bbq so, i better go flag a tuk-tuk home - wish me luck.
love you and miss you all. x x
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