Hi There,
Me again, just giving another update of the past few days. Well im in Singapore now, or should i say have been for the past 3 days before i head north to Kuala Lumpur. So ive been doing the rounds and have crammed in as much as possible in 3 days.
So, i started out at Sentosa, a little Island which is becoming more like a mini disneyland- Singaporean style! With crazy things, like a pink dolpin show and an underwater aquarium. So that was fun. The best bit was the tabogen ride - i felt like Michael ScHmacher behind the wheel - well it has been 2 and a half months now since ive driven so it was a little hairy! Then i went to see this show, aparently Universal Studios have been involved to help the Sentosa park work, and you could tell. It was a fantastical light show with fire works and all sorts - so it was the nearest thing to fireworks night that i got! Then the scariest thing ever, i went on the cable car home and i was the only one. But it was one of those ones where you just had your feet dangling down - but it was pitch black. I was so frightened in case i fell off - but off course i was fine - i lived to tell the tale!
So yesterday i spent the day around the Asian civilisation museum - the guide took me round and told me some very handy stuff about religion - just abit of a shame that ive been looking at all these temples and things and not really knowing what i was looking at. Oh well, at least i know abit more about this geezer Buddha! Then, i headed over to the Esplanade - Singapores version of the Opera House, but the locals think it looks like a Durian a very smelly fruit which is banned on the trains, buses in fact everywhere - so i havent even seen one - but im told it smells like hell but tastes like heaven....Im yet to find out! The pic above is the Boat Quay area where all the industry with the shipping used to take place but now theres lots of restaurants and behind it is the finacial district.In the eveving i went to the night safari at Singapore Zoo - dont knock it until you've tried it. It was pretty entertaining. I saw loads of strange looking animals in the dark - was a novel way of seeing animals!
Finally, today, my last day was spent on the city and heritage tour going around all the areas of Singapore. There are 4 different types of groups of people here, the Malayians, The Chinese, The Indians and the ethnic minorities that make up Singapore. So i visited Little India, Chinatown, the main shopping centre and also the botanical gardens. All of which were beautiful and so different. I ended my day with a trip to a weird park, called Tigar Balm park, and you guessed it, Mr Tiger Balm made it. It was slightly ecentric to put it mildly. There were strange statues of all the chinese beliefs like - 'dont judge a book by its cover' or 'dont hurt animals" and then some crazy scene next to it. I almost thought i was at the fair in Tom Hanks 'Big' and was waiting for something weird to happen to me. I was the only one as the sunset and the park was closing - but i guess it just added to the atmosphere. Well tonight, before i end my time here, im heading out for a visit to Raffles Hotel. So im going to scrub up, get my gladrags out and treat myself to a well deserved Singapore Sling at the bar it was invented out as a way of saying goodbye to Singapore!
Well, thats all for now folks, hope you enjoyed it, next week will be abit less touristy and more real life as i venture into the realms of teaching kids at ophanages.
Take care, and keep in touch,
Adele x
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