We have now arrived in Melbourne. Its sunny so we are happy.
Tuesday we climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge. I must admit i was wee bit nervous before it. It aint cheap but you do spend nearly three hours up on top. We arrived in plenty of time. They kit you out in a lovely blue and grey one piece bolier suit with gloves, hat, headset, a hanky which is attached by elastic round your wrist. Our group had about 12 people. After climbing about 4 or 5 mega steep vertical steps your on top of the bridge and the rest of the climb is easy. We had many photos taken of us as a group and in our pairs. Our guides said we had the clearest day he had seen in a good few months. We could see right over to the blue mountains.
That night we had a few beers and attempted the hostel bars pub quiz but we sucked! But the beer was cheap so didnt bother us.
Took a 12 hour bus journey yesterday from Sydney to Melbourne. We had a brand new coach which seemed good with its massive flat screen tv at the front. Somehow found our way to St Kilda last night at 11pm and crashed out in our 10 bed dorm(10 girls means a lot of mess) We both agree that already we prefer Melbourne to Sydney. Booked our Neighbours tour for monday night. Dr Karl and his band are playing!!!!
me no likey coaches!!!! claire
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