Our latest entry
Paisley, UK
Yes its true we are home, its all over, back to reality. American was great fun espeically our time in Vegas with Jess and Jen. I also think Claires favourite place is now Orlando.
Loads of photos to upload from South America and USA.
Logan Where is that?
re: Giant Top Hat on a RockJen Nice try....NO!
re: giant fire sculptureJen I'm guessing these are part of the many drive-by bus shots? Well done....:)
re: photo from 13 May 2009Jen NO!! just a regular bridge dudes......mahala!
re: giant bridgeJen Now wait a second....you just had a fake giant fish like 10 pics ago....NO on this one!!
re: gaint fishJen As opposed to tiny stilt people??? I'm going no on this one....
re: giant stilt ladyJen Oh HELL NO!!! A mountain is a mountain is a mountain....no giant one here douchebags!!!
re: giant mountainJen Let's face it.....this is pretty much how much alcohol you drink on a regular basis, is it not????
re: photo from 26 April 2009JEn See previous comment......:P
re: Giant Inca dudeJen Hmmm, this one's questionable.....are they not normal sized guys just high up?? I'm calling this one.....
re: Giant Inca dudesJen Oh wow! although this does not qualify as a giant thing, it's really amazing!!! Very jealous:)
re: Iguazu FallsJen Hmmm, seems a little cushy for basic backpackers.....where are all the chickens in cages and people sitting on top of the bus???
re: Night Busclaire yeah first class...doesnt get rid of the annoying kid behind adeles head though or his baby bro that screamed the whole way!!!! gotta luv kids and confined spaces!
re: Night BusJen Awww yes, the elvish Claire picture....how lovely! Just wait til you two come to Canada; then you'll know how cold it really gets!!
re: ChillyJen Wait a second...I thought it was agreed that no one would see this photo! I mean c'mon, an 11 month pregnant lady drinking booze? that's just wrong:)
re: -5 Bar