We both watched a couple of dvd's before bed.
I watched 'what women want' - so funny
Adam watched ' Burlesque' i picked it for me to watch but he wanted to see it. When my dvd had finished i got ready for bed & Adam started dancing to the burlesque songs. He was making me laugh loads, such a nutter.
After all that excitement i found it hard to get to sleep, & was so tierd when i woke up this morning. Adam always gets up before me & i have like 30mins left before i need to get up. we have the box of kitchen equiptment in our room as we brought our own stuff! Every morning when Adam gets his bowl & spoon out of the box it sounds like an earthquake! i am trying to peacefully get my last 30 mins in & Adam comes in the room banging about getting what he needs. I believe he even started shaving his head and beard @ 8.30 this morning. lol
Adam worked 9am - 5pm, he had a really good day. didn't get to the job until 11am so he had some time to chill before he started. The weather has been cooler this week so its better for him to work in.
I did 3 room cleans that took about 1 hour each. One was half a twin, the girl was in the room when i arrived so i just have to clean around her. ( most people go out of the room for about 15 mins but not her) She couldn't speak hardly any English so she was trying to ask me questions that didn't make sense. I tried to get done as soon as i could. Some of the messiest rooms i have cleaned are from Aisian people, they have food everywhere & collect lots of random stuff. The beds are covered in black hair, their hair must fall out alot i guess.
I finished at 1pm so i still had the afternoon to chill. The lady from Kathmandu phoned today & i have an interview on Wednesday so fingers crossed.
I cooked a nice meal of spag bowl for us, but the garlic bread didn't cook in time so we gave up & ate the food without it.
In the early evening we got to skype with fam & friends as it was a bank hol lots of people were free to talk.
Everyday is like a Bank holiday for us.
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