Both had workies today.
Adam left @ 9.30am - i forgot to do his crackers! lol so he took a banana!
kersh left at 10am!
Got a text from Adam about 11am saying everything was going well so i felt happy for him & could enjoy my cleaning! not!
Cleaned 3 apartments today worked with a uk girl & 2 german guys, we had met them before when i was cleaning with Adam. They are all realy nice & not backpackers, they are all like us wanting to work hard while in Cairns.
Random finds for today - Things stored in freezer - Spatular, Block of butter, 1 potato & Keyring.
Things found in fridge - Mouldy bananas, Half a lobster, Tomato sauce spilled all the way down the back of fridge (Nightmare to clean)
Really don't understand whats wrong with some people!
After to work i went to the sharehouse to pay rent! it was 1 dollar each. ( Its only down to a dollar so that a payment goes through on the system.)
So pleased we worked enough hours to clear the rent.
Got back at 2.45 and Adam was home, he had a brilliant day & earnt about £10 an hour roughly. He isn't getting taxed so when he does a full day friday he will be getting about £97 a day which he is well happy about.
He said the man was really nice & guniuwine, he was pleased with Adams work. I keep saying to Adam 'Proud of You' in a jokey way because thats what peter griffin says on family guy & then he wipes a bogey on Meg! lol
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We didn't do much the rest of the afternoon, it has been really hot so the heat has tierd us out. Popped to the shops & got some mince, Adam wanted sweet potato fries again. We had tacos & fries well yummy & then Adam cleaned up while i popped to the shop to get some sweets for our movie night. We rented some films from the sharehouse( as we get them free cos we're staff) going to chill and watch some films.
I now have 2 interviews for tommorrow as someone else contacted me today so going to get ready for them in the morning. Didn't get the tour guide one the guy didn't even phone so i chased him & he was like oh no we have someone. He go yeah i know i didn't ring anyone back. ( like he was pleased about that, his attitude completly changed)
I said yeah you didn't thats why im chasing. ( i was going to ask for a bit of feedback but because he was a d*c*k i thought i won't bother) Never mind - would rather not work full time anyway! lol
Looking forward to tomorrow. This week has flown by & Adams arm is nearly better, we finally got some deep heat today, He keeps getting me to rub it on his shoulder every 5 mins lol proper diva!
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