On our last night day in maitenecillo Bez found a sick little apartment on air BnB and shot of an email to the owner requesting it for 4 nights. Got the green light and the bloke even knocked the price down for us.
Woke up and got packed up before heading down for our last breakfast before organizing how we would actually find a bus to take us into la Serena. The coast of maitenecillo isn't exactly central so we were planning on getting a local bus to the main highway in order to pick up another bus to take us to the next town which had a terminal an would be easy enough to purchase tickets to la Serena. Out of sheer luck as we were checking out and paying for our cabana Alessandro (guy who found us the accom) drove past. After a short chat he agreed to drive us to get the bus! We were stoked thinking he was going to drop us up the highway. Mark and Bez were in the tray and bear and myself in the backseat. Alessandro and his two colleagues drive us all the way to the next town where we were intending on getting our bus from! A good 30min drive! This really was another moment for me that I was just blown away by the kindness and generosity of strangers.. We had literally just hitched between towns on the coast of chile; pretty cool I thought.
We said our goodbyes to Alessandro and relaxed for a couple hours before our bus to la Serena.
Around 7hours later and we arrive at our destination. A short cab ride from the bus terminal took us to our apartment where we received the keys. Played highest card for bed preference and the big fella finished on top! Own room with a double bed- thank you very much! The other boys weren't too disheartened as the sleeping arrangements were all pretty sweet. Sun was down so strolled to the beach for a beer and empanada before cruising home with desserts to watch a movie and a quite night in.
Run down the beach the next morning was good to blow the cob webs out and I was finally feeling back to 100% health. Headed in town to the local markets where we bought fresh veges, chicken and spices for a curry dinner. Also bought some dried fruits , nuts and oats that me and mark made our own toasted muesli with the next day. Got back to the apartment and cruised back to the beach for a little read / siesta. Marks curry was unreal that night and I really enjoyed watching him throw it together. Plenty of beers and games of UNO were the perfect entree before heading out. Nightlife was nothing shy of a let down but I'm quite confident we had unrealistic expectations for this coastal city that wasn't high on a general backpackers to do list as well as being out of peak season. I still had fun but.
Playing tennis up the road on the clay courts was defiently the next days highlight. Got schooled by the boys from ballarat. La Serena was a pretty chilled place but I was already looking forward to getting up to San Pedro and crossing into Bolivia for a little more action and hopefully crossing paths with some of my previous travel companions.
After mark taught us the addictive card gam Yanef we were hooked. Perfect pre-drinks to what ended up being an awesome night out in coquimbo. Tearing up the d-floor and breaking plenty of hearts. Mark and Bez both deserving honorable mentions for their spew upon return to the apartment. Very slow day the next, sleeping in plenty of Yanef and trip to the shopping mall to buy supplies for the bear to cook us a roast dinner. Top stuff from the big fella. Bear constantly had me in stitches from his smart arse comments and quotes that reminded me of my uncle lewy impersonating dad:
Watched a gripping movie "the insider" with Russel Crowe and Al pachino to close out the night before our 16hour long haul night bus the following day heading up far north to San Pedro.
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