First of all Feliz Fanny Friday, but that's a different story which I will get to soon but first il tell you what iv been up to the last couple of days.
On Wednesday morning we were travelling to the building project in bernabe's car and when we stopped at the lights a child appeared from nowhere and started to cartwheels and hand stands in front of the waiting traffic. Bernabe told us that these kids are sent out by their parents to beg because the parents don't want to work. Apparently the problem is worse in Lima and in a lot of cases women kidnap kids and force them to beg for the day then they have to give all their money to the women before they are allowed to go back to their family. Seems like a pretty crazy way to make money. Bernabe told us it's very difficult and dangerous to work for projects helping these kids as a lot of the time the mafia has a strong input in making the children work.
In the afternoon 4 if us went to the orphanage to find we only had half the kids we usually do. This was because the others were sick and needed to travel to Lima for medication. Lima is over 7 hours away and the sick kids do this trip every week in order to get medication. It's difficult to understand why they can't receive medication in Huancayo rather than making sick kids travel a 14 hour round trip but apparently there are not enough resources at present for medication to be given here, but that is something the charity is working towards.
Wednesday evening Jess and I decided to go shopping while the others went to some dance class and this is when we rediscovered Fanny. Before everyone decides im being crude, Fanny is a food company, similar to Heinz, who make a wide variety of food such as Fanny tuna, Fanny con Carne, Fanny jam, mixed seafood Fanny, Fanny tinned fruit, Fanny mustard... The list goes on. So we stocked up on Fanny and planned a meal for Fanny Friday, as it's now affectionately known. After the shopping we bought chorros from a street stall. Chorros is best described as a long thin croissant with a kind of toffee sauce in the middle. They are pretty amazing but we both lived to regret the decision as both Jess and I had to take yesterday afternoon off due to being ill from the chorros! First time the food has made me ill so it's not all bad.
That pretty much brings you up to date with Fanny Friday. I'll make sure I keep you all updated on how our Fanny meal goes!
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