Well..I have finished four weeks here in's almost half over. Time is definitely going by fast. This week was another interesting one. The most exciting thing that happened was when I was at Dr. Gandhi's clinic. He is a cardiologist and emergency med doctor. We were going on rounds with him listening to everyone's heart so we could learn good and bad sounds. We were in the ICCU when Dr. Gandhi gets called over to a man's bed. This man has a complete block in his heart and if he stands up he faints. But at this moment his heart had stopped. So another doctor basically punched the man's heart with his fist REALLY HARD to try and get the blood flowing...he also did a few chest compressions...he had to do this 3 times before the man finally took a breath. It was the craziest thing to watch...this man lived which is not very common when they have to do this to people. The next day he told Dr. Gandhi that his chest hurt and Dr. Gandhi said "Good, that means you are alive". The man had no clue that they did this to him because he was basically dead when they did it...he had no oxygen to the brain during that short period of time. Definitely an exciting day.
Heather and I decided to stay in Dehradun this weekend to take a break from the long car rides. We basically did a lot of shopping and some sleeping. We tried out Dominoes pizza here in India...definitely different toppings (like corn) but it was really good. Today we went to the Buddha temple here in town which you can see from the was really interesting and an amazing piece of artwork. Tomorrow morning we leave for Rishikesh which a little less than an hour from Dehradun. It is known as the yoga capitol of the world. We will be there for at least a week, 2 if we like it. It's pretty hot there so we will see how well we can stand the heat. We plan to take some dance lessons while we are there as well as yoga 2 times a day and white water rafting on the weekend! Should be an interesting week learning about naturopathic medicine. I'll keep you updated on how the week goes! Take care!
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