Alyssa's Experience in India
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Than Gaon, India

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Than Gaon, India
Heri I live in an area where wasp nests are a big problem. The best sootiuln is to buy wasp killer its pretty cheap, about $ 3-4 a can.. depending on where the wasp nest is located, you can buy a spray bottle or a projector spray that reaches about 20ft. When the sun goes down and all the wasps return to the nest, spray like hell! In the morning if you still see wasps flying around, wait until night and spray again. Keep this up until you don't see anymore wasps, then give it a day or two more with more spraying to make sure the larvae were also killed. Once they're dead, you can knock it down with a hose that has a pistol attachment, or whatever does the job =pIf you don't want to kill the nest, then I suggest you do what the local residents around here do. Get a pair of easy to use pruning clippers, or something that wont give you a hassle to use quickly. Put on some long sleeved clothing and a sun hat with netting on it (you can buy netting at a fabric store for as cheap as 70 cents a yard, whatever you need to cover your a beekeepers hat), wait until dark when all the wasps have returned to the hive. Put a tub (plastic locking tub is best, or whatever has mesh fine enough so they wasps wont fly through)under the nest and clip the top. When the nest falls in shut it quickly.Wasps release pheromones when threatened, and it starts a chain reaction, so if one gets out and attacks you, I suggest you wait until the next night.
re: Wasps nesttamara I was imagining you in Bangalore! How nice to be in Mussoorie. My patrnes honeymooned for a month in Nainital and other places but we never visited again. Is that where your nephew will be residing or just the venue of the wedding? Either way, sounds wonderful. Does Shane look like a McMahon?Looking forward to pics, like everyone else!Carol McFarlane
re: Dehra Dun, IndiaFontes Apr13 Phil Stefani's 437 Rush can be found at the corner of Rush and Hubbard Streets. It's a bit tueckd away, especially because of current construction on the Michigan Ave. walkway above, but it is well worth the search. Cabbies know how to find us, and if you're driving we offer valet for only $11 so you won't have to worry about parking. Here is a link to 437 Rush. We hope you dine with us soon.
re: Dehra Dun, IndiaRajath What a wonderful photo! Hubby and I renlctey watched an episode of Gordon Ramsay (he was helping out the owners of an Indian restaurant) -- there were some sort of steel containers which were used for take-away lunches (apparently these containers are common in India). What a WONDERFUL idea they were... they reminded me of an army mess kit.
re: Dehra Dun, IndiaGuilherme ashram stay is free of cost. There is no fixed tariff and you can dontae according to your will before leaving the place. Plus there are two meals a day and afternoon/morning tea that is provided for free. The people are very good and hospitable too.The ashram is very peaceful and right on the bank of the Ganges. Its clean, silent and the great views of the mountain with the Ganga river flowing alongside make for a very nice retreat if you are looking for a quiet place in the town.Wish you a happy trip
re: Rishikesh, IndiaPatricia Too bad there wasn't any pictures of the girl in the backurognd she was the hottest costume, hottest legs just the best of everything all around! She was a firegirl! smokin hot! sorry dear i didnt mean to rain all over your picture youre cute too!
re: SunsetRocky I am shore many have allready toelld you that you have a Very Speciall Sun. I just had to add, that the father has to be speciall too . My Sun is at his 20 s now, and i miss him when he was that quite . I wish you two the best of luck in what ever you are doing man. GOD BLESS YOU ALL .
re: Monmouith, OregonMelissa I really agree with your views There is close rtleaion between Dynamic Content & Page Ranking. Content is King. Better the content better the ranking. If content keep updating and changing dynamically then it becomes responsibility of search engine to keep update itself , and keep re-visiting . This makes the presence of the website more visible in the web. It is CMS which provides dynamicity to the website. And hence it plays important role in Net Marketing Shyam Chopra
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- Dehra Dun, India
Rocky I am shore many have allready toelld you that you have a Very Speciall Sun. I just had to add, that the father has to be speciall too . My Sun is at his 20 s now, and i miss him when he was that quite . I wish you two the best of luck in what ever you are doing man. GOD BLESS YOU ALL .