Hi guys, I ended up having a great time on Sunday exploring Chiang Mai and Jem really enjoyed his cookery course and met loads of cool people. One couple from Adelaide have invited us to stay with them which is lovely!! We spent Sunday night shopping along 'The Walking Street' which is basically a long street with market sellers and amazing food. It starts about 4pm and by the evening it's really busy. It's a lot better that the other markets because it is cheaper and there are lots of arts and crafts instead of tacky souveniers! On Monday walked round the old city and then in the evening we went to the night bazaar or 'tourist market' as the thai's call it! Tuesday was a public holiday, we think because the king has been ill, so there was a bit of a festival in the streets. Today, Wednesday, we both went to a cookery course which involved going to the food market early in the morning, seeing all the diferent thai foods that are used and then cooking six dishes, and the good part, eating them!! We're both very full now but it was a great day and I'd definitely recommend it! Off the Chiang Rai tomorrow, will be in touch soon! xx
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