Before I Go...
Okay, so get ready: This is going to be the most jumbled blog I´ve ever written.
I´m currently counting down the hours and the tasks before I leave for Morocco. I´m actually heading to Africa 4 am Sunday morning, but I have to make it to Sevilla (yes, again) beforehand. That means being on the metro at 6:30 tomorrow morning...wahoo! Not. Anyway, I´ve spent the day running errands. I went to the vegetable market with Marísa. That was an experience and a half. I bought a new memory card (2GB for 8,9 €!!), some sunscreen, dramamine, snacks, you know...all the essentials for a trip to Morocco.
I have some repacking to do though (okay, some rethinking as I know anyone who has traveled with me knows darn well I haven´t actually packed a thing yet.) Why? I´m bringing down an entire suitcase of clothes to Morocco for the kids/adults there. I was in the office the other day and one of the directors asked if I was brining a lot of stuff with me on the trip. Me? The girl who can get by with Manolo´s tiny, old, decrepit backpack for a week? I think not!
Well it works out nicely that I am such a light packer because she had a box of clothes they´ve collected to bring down on the next trip. I asked Luis if he had anything and he said that was a really good idea and not only is he bringing some clothes over tonight, but he asked another friend of his. Manolo and Marísa are each pitching in quite a bit and truth be told, I have several shirts that have been shall we say, altered, since coming here that I´m bringing down myself. I know that it´s not going to change the world, but like I told a friend of mine, it might make a kid´s day or make them a little more comfortable during the cold mountain nights. I was just overwhelmed by how supportive everyone has been of the idea and I can´t wait to see the looks on those kids´ faces!
So what else should I say really quickly? Oh, I went to a jazz concert last night. If I can find a way to upload video, you guys are really going to be in for a treat. I have video of the flamenco show I saw in a cave in Granada (AMAZING!), video of a mesclatá here in Valencia, video name it. There´s actually a funny story associated with the concert that more or less consists of lots of literal running around the city. Maybe one day I´ll get all of that up here.
Guys, there is so much else to say, but I´m adding up the time it takes for me to do this and do that and I really have to go. Really quickly though, please keep my cousin and his wife in your prayers. They are expecting their first baby sometime next week. I´m almost more excited about that than I am about Africa - almost. :-)
Alright, I think I´m really out of time. Oh wait, one more thing! I did upload a second Granada photo album, but I don´t have time to finish all the comments. If you have a question about one of them, post it on there or send me a message and I´ll reply when I get back.
Alright, really really going now. ALL of my love!
- Gypsy
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