Liana, great photos of NYC! Hope you and your family have a great 2009!
hola hermosa senorita no habia podido contestar tu mensage por que estoy trabajando muchos dobles en el doble TT i habeses estoy muy cansado i solo me boy a dormir pero sabes yo pienso en ti todo el timpo nunca te puedo olbidar yo ya quiro verte cuidate mucho asta luego
hola liana espero estes bien disculpame no habia podido enviarte un mensage por que mi computadora tenia un problema espero verte pronto te extrano con mucho carino carlos
CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS on fininshing a 16 page spanish written college final assignment. Now this website should be spinning with pictures and updates. I CAN"T WAIT. Talk with you soon. Stockholm and the dessert were amazing
Hi Liana!! It's Kayla, I'm using my mom's e-mail cuz i don't have one hehe. I just wanted to say hi and let you know that I'm always praying for you! Also, I've had a great time looking at your pictures, they're amazing! Stay safe, God bless, and have fun!
Heard you're going to Italia soon...make sure you post lots of photos, that's my favorite Euro country! Have fun and good luck on your exams.
I will soon be teaching architecture in medieval Spain, especially the role of Santiago de Compostella in pilgrimage. You may really like taking a class on medieval art when you get the chance!
Boo! im sorry it has been soooo longggg and guess what are you coming home soon! i hope so ..wait did i tell you that im going to colombia!?? jejejeje yes I am i leave may 9th and come back 22 so will i see you before i leave for mexico like june 1st?? Liana I seriously miss you pero te puedo decir que estyo tan emocionada que estas alla!! y estas viajando y aprendiendo y relajando ( espero que si mujer!!!) and I love you and so much is happening and i cant wait to hear it from you and tell you all our newssssssssssssssssss...i think about you all the time y mi falilia siempre preguntan por ti!! we all love and miss you... un im eating cheez-its and there delicous an dit made me remember of all the snacking h have done togeter since forever jejeje what a wierd thing to say i know ..ok te dejo ya.......... te adoro chamaca!
wow! you have got to take a deep breath! we are all mostly feeling the same way you are except we are luckily in an english speaking country still! hope everything is getting better! be nice to the dog and take care! much love Amanda !
Just thinking about you so I wanted to drop by and say a quick Hola :) I can't wait to actually HEAR your stories and See your pictures. Remember your missed everyday here en los estados unidos and life in Maryland isn't the same without you. Cuidate mucho mi amor y me haces mucha falta.
so glad your having fun!
This blog is amazing and so are you. The comments are wonderful and so entertaining, I wish there was more, I always hate to stop. Try and take a quick video of your family so we can meet them. Love to you pieces and back again. ENJOY!