On the last day of Melbourne we got up and packed. We had to try and find Europcar to pick up our hire car. After a little while walking down a long street we finally found it and collected our lovely red Hyundai Getz. We went back to the hostel and collected our bags and then tried to drive out of the city. Unfortuantely we ended up near the city which is where we didn't want to be but we did eventually make it out of the city and onto the M1.
We stopped at a couple of places along the Great Ocean Road and the views were spectactular! We have never seen a coast line as beautiful as the Great Ocean Road, the sea was so blue and vast. The road was very windy and had great views so it was a good drive. Zoe even let me drive for a bit (don't let Zoe know I have written this on here else she will kill me hehehehehehe!), it was great to drive as there was no one else on the road.
We stopped at Lorne to have some lunch we were lucky to find one of the pubs/cafes open as most of them were shut on a Mon, Tues and weds! It was good food though!
We ended up stopping that night in Port Campbell, near to where Simon lived. We had said to the boys that we would pop into the farm when we got to Port Campbell, but we thought we would have made it there in the afternoon not the evening, so didn't want to disturb the guys. We let the guys know that we were in Port Campbell. The plan that night was to stay in the car but Simon kindly offered us a place to stay. Adam and Oz James came and picked us up from the car park and we followed them to Simon's farm. It was probably about 9pm at this point.
We got to Simon's farm which was very nice. Boys being boys decided to keep us entertained for the night by getting hold of a giant tractor tyre and rolling people in it - and not just one person but two at a time! Zoe got in the tyre with Simon but didn't last very long as she was too small and as the tyre rolled over she fell out! I didn't fancy turning my stomach after just eating my dinner so I didn't go in it.
After the tyre experience, Simon suggested that we get the quad and motorbikes out and go for a ride through his fields. I jumped on a quad bike with English James, Zoe got on with Adam and Oz James and Simon rode motorbikes. The boys invented a game where we had to find Simon on his bike - his bike had no lights so it was meant to make it more difficult to find him, but it wasn't too hard!!! After our little game me and Zoe were allowed a go at driving the quad bikes. Zoe's didn't have brakes, so she had to be careful not to run someone over!!! I nearly crashed in to a fence, but only nearly and me and Simon were both quick on the brakes! After that I quite got the hang of it and me and Zoe had a little race (i won!). Although Adam allowed Zoe to drive home but English James can't have trusted me that much as he drove me home!
The games didn't stop there, after the quad bikes Simon had a new idea - sit in the middle of the bush in the pitch black! This game was meant to involve splitting up into teams and trying to find the other team in the bush, however this didn't quite go to plan. Zoe and Simon went off one way, me and Oz James sat in the middle of a clearing and Adam and English James went off some where else. Me and James could hear Zoe and Simon seeing as Zoe kept giggling and giving the game away, so we just sat there and waited for them. A while latyer we could hear kangaroos thumping the ground and the guys decided it was too dangerous to sit in the bush so we found each other and came out. When us four came out Adam and James were already waiting by the bikes - they said they hadn't been there long, but we're not sure if thats entirely true!
After this little game of hide and seek we went back to the house and played cards. After playing cards together we then played a few separate games of snap. Me and Oz James played together and I got accused of cheating (ha!). Unfortunately Adam went home during our snap playing.
After our card game me, Zoe, Oz James and Simon sat and talked in our room. We ended up having a little play fight and getting tickled! Simon went to bed which left the three of us to go to sleep, however we decided in the end that we were going to fight over a giant teddy bear which has various names! This went on till about 5:30am when we all finally gave in and fell asleep (Zoe fell asleep with the teddy, but James gave it to me for the night, then gave it back to her in the morning!).
In the morning we were woken up by Simon and James who decided it was time for us to get up (10am, we were meant to be driving to Adelaide that day not a good start!). They decided to wake us by pushing Zoe off the mattress she was sleeping on on the floor and by pulling me off the top bunk! After that we had a full blown play fight, which was great fun, this lasted until about lunch time. During this time Simon's dad came in and we had introductions by way of laying on the floor in a big twisted knot! An interesting start to the day!
After the active start to the day James cooked us breakfast whilst Simon went to the factory to do some work. We later joined Simon in the factory and helped by sticking labels on his organic yoghurt (some of the labels may have been a bit wonky oops!). Whilst they carried on making the yoghurts etc English James, Zoe and I jumped on a quad bike and drove round to a small cheese shop where we all got to sample different cheeses for free - Zoe even liked some of them would you believe! We drove back to the house and waited for the others to join us.
For the rest of the day we all went into Port Campbell. We sat at the little beach eating fish and chips. Simon then took us on a walk up the cliffs, which was fine at first until he went down some steps that basically said 'keep out, rocks may subside at any time'. They went ahead of us so we didn't actually see them go down these steps we walked past them thinking they wouldn't have gone down there, then Simon popped his head up and told us to come down. When we went down the view was amazing, there was only a small rail and then the cliff edge. We could see where the water and weather had caused erosion and the waves were massive. A little while later a diver came down the steps and said he was going to dive off the cliff edge round the corner from us - he must have been a brave man especially to do it by himself!
When we all made it back up the cliuffs and over the fence onto the public footpath Simon and his girlfriend, Amanda, left us to explore the rest of Port Campbell. So we all went for a nice long walk, along a specified route!
The four of us then drove to the supermarket in Scarlett to get supplies for our tea that night. Then we went back to Simon's (we kind of invited ourselves to stay for an extra night!) where the two James's made three different pizzas whilst me and Zoe made a sort of mud cake. It wasn't a very successful cake as at first the tin had a loose bottom and the mixture was very runny (this was a mixture from a box), then we swapped tins and the tin was very flat. So in the end we ended up with a very flat mud cake that broke into two. It still tasted good though! Simon and Amanda came back a bit later on. English James went to bed and the rest of us ended up having another massive play fight which lasted probably a couple of hours with breaks!
The next morning we really did have to leave, so we left earlish after saying bye to everyone and having a chat with Simon's dad. Amanda was going back to Warrnambool where she lives which was about 40 minutes away so we followed her to get ourselves back on track and then started our drive to Adelaide.
We were planning on driving near to Adelaide but not actually getting there that day. It was a simple drive along one straight road like the rest of Australia there is only ever one straight road that takes you from one place to another. I was allowed to drive a couple of times too which was good as it gave Zoe a break (that was the only reason of course!). We found a town near to Adelaide, stopped and had some dinner then rocked up outside a church for the night - we thought it might be quite safe to sleep in the car here. Zoe slept in the backseats and I had the front. It was a very uncomfortable sleep but I did manage to wedge myself between the gear stick and the handbreak just couldn't move very much.
We woke up at the crack of dawn (well nearly) and was just about to set off when a man and a lady starting calling us. They thought we had had car trouble and were asking if we needed any help. Hopefully that hadn't seen us camped outside their house all night hehehe!
We carried on the drive to Adelaide which wasn't far from then on. I had to do some spectactular map reading to direct us to a hostel and then to Europcar. We had to return the car with a full tank of petrol but we only had a 3/4 full so they charged us for nearly a full tank which was a bit unfair, but apart from that there were no other problems.
We only had a day to spend in Adelaide and there didn't seem like much to do. We watched a film in the tv room at the hostel while waiting to check in. That night we found ourselves a nice Italian and had dinner there. Then we went to the cinema and saw Step Up 2. Adelaide seemed a bit rough compared to other cities, we literally walked around one corner to another and saw four drunken tramps!
The next day we went into the city which was quite nice but it wasn't overally big. We did a bit of window shopping, went back to the same Italian for lunch (yes they did recognise us!), and packed for the flight to Alice Springs.
The next day we got a taxi to the airport. There didn't seem to be any problems only that they put Zoe's hand lugggage through the scanner twice, then we left for Alice Springs.
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